Come. Warmth {Draco}

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Requested by @wasd87942.


You frown as you wake up and feel an absence of body heat. You blink open your eyes to find your boyfriend on his back several inches away from you. His hair is everywhere and he's snoring softly.

You pout a little even though you know he can't see you. You reach over and tap his face gently. You receive no response. Your frown deepens as you tap his face again.

He moves his face slightly then opens his eyes. His silver eyes blink owlishly at you. You open your arms to him.

"Come. Warmth."

He blinks again before he chuckles lightly and scoots over into your arms. He lays his head on your shoulder and you wrap your arms around his chest. You sigh contentedly as you fall back asleep leaving Draco to stare at your sleeping face in amazement.

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