The Books Have Eyes {Harry}

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You sigh and look up, hearing two voices rising and continuing to rise. Sitting at the table diagonal from you is the the Slytherin Prince with his back to you and the Gryffindor Golden Boy across from him looking very agitated.

Tired of Draco antagonizing your best friend, you stand. You lower down to the floor and slowly crawl towards Draco's turned back. Harry catches your eye so you lift a finger to your lips, telling him to keep quiet.

He adverts his attention as you creep over. You push yourself up behind Draco until your head is shoulder height. Quickly, you stick both index finger tips into your mouth and push them into Draco's ears.

He squeals like a girl and flails his arms about his head causing you to fall right on your bum. He turns and sees you.

"What did you do, L/N?"

You look at him innocently as you stand and brush yourself off.

"Nothing. What are you talking about Malfoy?"

He glares at you.

"Filthy half-blood."

You smile at him stickly sweet.

"Inbred pureblood."

He sneers at you, turns on his heel, and stalks out of the library. You huff in relief as Harry bursts out laughing.

"Laugh all you want, Harold. I just saved your arse."

He instantly sobers.

"Saved my arse?" he asks incredulously.

"Yes. I distracted him. That saved your arse. You owe me."

"Oh, whatever can I do to repay your noble deed?" he asks sarcastically.

"I can think of a few things."

Most of them involved his lips on yours...

He smirks at you.

"And what could that possibly be?"

You sigh.

"My homework needs to be done."

He steps close to you making you step back. He steps even closer causing you to pin yourself to the library table. He leans in so close, you can feel his breath on your lips as he looks into your eyes.

"I don't think that's what you want," he says softly before he places his hands on your hips.

He closes that small gap. You're surprised so you do nothing but enjoy the sweet pleasure of his lips on yours. Harry is persistent with his pressure until finally, your brain kicks in, telling you to kiss back.

You lean in and run your fingers through his tousled raven locks. He grips your hips tighter and lifts you up to the library table.

"No fornication near my books!" shrieks a voice.

You pull apart to see Madam Pince looking extremely alarmed. You chuckle under your breath and push Harry away from the table. You slide off the table and look up at Harry. He wiggles his eyebrows at you, making you laugh loudly.

"Out with the both of you!" Madam Pince says sternly.

Harry grabs your hand, pulls you out of the library, and into the hallway. He pins you to the wall beside the library door.

"Harry, her books will hear us!"

He chuckles and starts to lean down.

"Harold, people can see us!"

You pointedly look over his shoulder causing him to do the same. You quickly lick your index finger before he turns to look back at you.

You grab his chin with your opposite hand and lean in slowly. He closes his eyes, preparing himself for your kiss. You stick your finger in his ear, duck under his arm, and sprint away.

He growls and yells, "Y/N!"

"Harold!" You yell as you run for your life.

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