Victims of Love {Cedric}

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Requested by @Nolia02 . Thanks for requesting! ♡
You pass the gift bag between your hands as you nervously shuffle to the Hospital Wing. You really didn't want to visit him, but it was your fault he was in there.

You walk in and see your victim, the hottie Cedric Diggory. He looks at you warily as you walk over to his bed.


You sigh.

"I'm sorry I accidentally transfigured your goblet into a gigantic, venomous spider. At least Madam Pomfrey was able to bring down the swelling. And look, I brought you some Chocolate Frogs."

He smiles slightly. You hand over his Chocolate Frogs.

"I'm still trying to figure out how you managed that."

"Me too. McGonagall said I accidentally did a very complicated spell. Too bad I didn't do it on purpose. Not that I wanted it to bite you! Gah! I'll be quiet now."

He chuckles at you.

"You're cute when you get frazzled."

"Uh. . . Thanks?"

"It was a compliment," he assures.

You smile awkwardly at him.

"You're actually my first visitor. You should be honored."

"What? How has no one else visited you?"

He shrugs, trying to act nonchalant, but you see the pain in his eyes.

"Well, it was my fault. The least I could do is visit my victim."

He chuckles.

"That is true."

"How long are you in here for?"

"Madam Pomfrey is thinking a week."

"Dang. You just have to take up all my time, don't you?"

He furrows his eyebrows together in confusion.


"Well, I'm obviously going to visit you everyday you're in here."

"You don't have to."

You would consider taking the offer back, but you can't overlook the way his eyes had lit up.

"I want to."

You smile warmly to emphasize your point.

So you came everyday and talked hours on end. Most of the time, Madam Pomfrey had to kick you out of the Hospital Wing.

Somehow the week had passed very quickly. That morning, you show up to see Cedric up and moving around, grabbing all of his stuff that somehow ended up all over.

"Well, aren't you messy?"

"Hey Y/N!"

"Hi Ced."

You two smile at each other for a few seconds longer than necessary.

"Uh. . . Do you want me to help?"

He snaps out of his trance.

"Yeah. . . Sure."

You two finally get all of his stuff into his trunk. He puts a shrinking spell on it and puts it in his pocket. You tag along as he heads to the Hufflepuff Common Room.

"Hey Y/N?"

You jump slightly from him breaking the silence.


"Isn't today a Hogsmeade day?"

"Yes. Do you plan on going?"

"Well, I was hoping you'd go with me."

"I'd love to, but don't you want to see your other friends? You've been in the Hospital Wing for a week!"

"Nah, I'll see them later. And just to be completely clear, I want you to go with me as my date."

Your heart flutters.

"What? Why?"

"Because you showed up when no one else was there."

"Only because I have no life!"

He chuckles at you. Why does he always chuckle at you? Are you that funny?

"Even though I've known you for a short period of time, I can still tell when you're lying."

"Okay, fine. I might like you back."

He smirks at you.

"Then go to Hogsmeade with me."


He holds out his hand as an invitation and you accept it happily.

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