Only Romantic on Thursdays {Gregory Goyle}

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Requested by @acemarks.

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You scowl as Draco starts another rant about Mudbloods. He's really starting to get on your nerves. You used to be good friends with him before he started all the Pure Bloods only garbage. Believe it or not, he used to be an open minded person. You two had drifted apart, but you still consider him a friend... sometimes.

You started hanging out with other people so you wouldn't accidentally snap and kill him.

You're sitting with Crabbe in the Courtyard lawn. You can hear Draco from the opposite side of the Courtyard. Your irritation level rises and rises as the words come from Draco's lips and float to you. You clench your fists and stand.

"What're you doing?"

"Punching your friend. Wanna watch?"

He grins and stands with you. You walk with a clipped gait towards the infuriating blond. You punch him square in the face mid-word. He throws his hands to his nose as his blood starts to flow freely.

"Ah! Y/N, what was that for? I thought we were friends!"

"Even your friends are getting tired of your shit."

You smile at him and he scowls. You walk back to your previous spot with Crabbe on your heels. You sit back down and Crabbe follows suit. Goyle comes over to you. He notices all the commotion with Draco in the center.

"Why is he bleeding?" He questions as he sits next to you.

"Because he's an idiot."

Goyle raises an eyebrow.

"I didn't know idiocy caused people to just start spontaneously bleeding from the nose."

You shrug.

"It's a new phenomenon."

Goyle eyes you oddly as Crabbe laughs.

"Y/N punched him," Crabbe informs.

Goyle raises an eyebrow at you in interest. You shrug.

"He was getting on my nerves."

"Remind me not to get on your nerves."

"Hey, don't get on my nerves."

You smile cheekily as he laughs. You look at your watch.

"Hey, it's dinner time."

You stand and wait as the boys stand.


"Ew. I don't like (least favorite food)."

Goyle rolls his eyes.

"You don't like anything."

"I like you," you say cheekily.

"Barely," he laughs.

"At least they haven't made a habit of punching you in the face in front of the whole school," Crabbe adds.

"You're not going to let that go, are you?" You question in amusement.

"No! That was bloody awesome!"

"I'm glad you enjoyed it Vincent."

He sticks his tongue out at you for the use of his first name.

"I'd enjoy it if you went on a date with me to Hogsmeade."

You turn to Goyle to see him gazing at you intently.

"Do I look like a genie to you?"

"If you are, I know what I'm wishing for."

He winks at you.

"Oh Merlin."

He laughs.

"What do I get out of this date?"

He gives you an are-you-serious look. You grin at him.

"It's a date. That means free food."

"Sold," you say loudly.

The corners of his mouth upturn.

"Great. I have to find someone else to hang out with," Crabbe mutters.

"Aw, Vincey-poo! Anyone will be honored to hang out with you!"

He tries to look mad, but he ends up smiling.

"But Greg, I have to warn you: I'm only romantic on Thursdays."

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