The pink skinned girl shook her head, trying to shake the very real crawling feeling underneath her oddly colored skin that this girl gave her, and looked towards the victorious brunette. It was impressive that she had managed to take down a Villain on her own like this. Credit had to go where credit was due in that regard, absolutely, but it wasn't the time to be dishing out compliments.

"Have either of you two seen Izuku?!"

"Deku?" This time Uraraka kept her glare straight on the Villain, apparently named Toga, not prepared to loosen her grip, or to make the same mistake two times in a row, before she gave her answer. "I haven't seen him since everything went crazy. That message Mandalay relayed was from him though, right? She said 'Kacchan', not Bakugou."

A simple nod was all the horned girl gave in response to that question. "He showed up at the lodge and ran off again! His arms were..." An actual shudder ran down Mina's spine when she thought back to how his arms were shattered, broken and bloody, like she had never seen before. She didn't even want to imagine what other madness he'd done to himself in the short time that they'd been separated, though she was almost certain that any of the explosions and blasts that she heard while running had something to do with him. "I-I've got to find him before he ends up killing himself!"

"If Mandalay is still where she was before everything went down, then he can't be far from here!"

"Ochako... You've the same scent as Mina there... And you've both got the same scent as me."

Toga, in spite of being pinned down, surrounded and outnumbered, had the slightest of blushes on her cheeks, and some sort of disturbing, small, but all the same, creepy smile. It was discomforting enough that she knew what Mina's name, but everything about this girl screamed that she was some kind of insane, unhinged, deranged psychopath.

Everything about her just freaked out Mina, and judging by the way that Uraraka had a pained expression that mirrored her own, she wasn't alone in her thinking.

What scent? What the hell was she talking about?

"Actually... Mina's scent is stronger... Both of you are in love with someone, aren't you?"

Both girls made an involuntary gasp, Mina gritting her teeth as she did so. How on earth –

"Did Mina get her man?"

"How the hell are you – "

"And both of you wanna be just like the people you like, don't you? It's okay, I can tell, from one maiden to another." Toga's grin just kept growing more and more, her eyes rolling further and further into the back of her head, apparently in some kind of ecstatic fantasy within her own brain. "Of course you do. That's natural for anyone to be like the person that they admire. There's no helping it... But eventually, it isn't enough, is it? You want to become them. It's inevitable."

"Y-You're full of crap!" Mina suddenly yelled, several beads of sweat running down from her forehead. Maybe because she was actually in a relationship, she knew what it was like to be in love. She could tell the difference between admiration and genuine feelings of infatuation. It wasn't anything like this maniac was describing. Maybe it was because she was comparing herself to them, which put her on edge. Maybe she'd gotten under her skin without her even noticing. "That's not even close to what love is you psycho! You don't even have the first clue of what you're talking about!"

"Izuku.... Izuku...." Toga repeated that word, over and over again, like she was trying to commit it to memory for future reference. "'Izuku's arms were'... Broken, hurt maybe? Sounds like my kinda guy..."

The Acid Quirk user felt her black eyes widening more and more. Was this girl some kind of Clairvoyant? Was this because of her Quirk? "That – That's – "

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