Double repeat

417 20 1

Jakie's POV

Soon, we had eaten all the food in the fridge and I volunteered to go food shopping again. Ruby gave me a list of everything I needed and I was on my way. I half hoped that I would see Oliver again. I felt drawn to him, I couldn't tell if he was my mate or not. I highly doubted it anyway.

I did see him again in the check out line. He flashed me a quick smile and said nothing. I glanced around and saw another two scouts from Silver Moon watching us both. I quickly scribbled something down and prayed he knew Morse Code. I slipped it into his pocket faster than the wolf eye could see.

My life seemed to be a repeat of everything that happened in my past. The only knew thing was my possible clairvoyance. That scared me. The possibility to tell the future was a scary burden for me to hold. I mean, how was I supposed to handle it? And could I? My thoughts were interrupted by me being the next in line to check my stuff out. I quickly emptied my cart onto the conveyer belt.

I felt a hand close around my upper arm so I wrenched it away. I shot a piercing glare at one of the scouts and flipped him off faster than the human eye could see, but the wolf eye could catch it. He scowled as I strutted off. I generally walked around with an air of confidence. A hand grabbed my arm again and I turned.

"Piss off!" I said to him. I used my other arm to slap him so hard I drew blood from his face. He let go of me and I proceeds to unload everything into the car. I had locked it and returned the cart when I saw that guy again, who grabbed my wrist. I smirked evilly as I thought about playing the damsel in distress card.

"HELP!!! HELP!!! HE'S TRYING TO KIDNAP ME!!!" I shouted. All the faces nearby turned to look at as both as I tried to pull away with little strength. He was then tackled by a couple of human men and I fake sobbed. One came up next to me. "Are you okay, miss?" he asked. I nodded. "Thank you guys so much. I don't know what I would of done if you hadn't come along." I said to the possible football players.

I then shakily got into my car, shouting repeated thank yous until I left. I rolled my windows up and smile. Works every time. Today was a good day for my favourite songs and I caught a repeat of "Don't talk to strangers". I carried all the grocery bags and went through the open door.

I called out a hello and heard no reply. I sniffed the air as a scent hit my nose. Clean linen and Playdoh. My father had been here. My face paled. I dropped all the bags carefully on the ground and examined the damage. I saw two notes lying in the glass of a broken window. I picked up the first one and read.

Dear Jakie,

Alexa and I are at the Silver Moon dungeons. Jonathan got at us shortly after you left. I barely have enough time to live. If I happen to die, my will is located in the safe on the second floor behind the needlepoint Alma made.


I felt real tears show up as I tucked that note into my pocket. I picked up the second one, debating if I should read it. I opened it and read.


This is your fault. This was the only way we could draw you out. I want you to know what it feels like to have your heart ripped from your body and burned. You need to pay. You're the cause of Alma's death. You're no child of mine. That's right, I know you're my daughter, not that I like you. I hate you in fact. You need to pay for your mistakes, Jaklynn. If you're going to try to rescue Ruby and Alexa, you have three days to come to Silver Moon, or else they die.


I felt sick after reading that. My father, the sick wacko that is my father, had done this to get back at me for things I never did. The tears fell as the words replayed over and over in my head. You're the cause of Alma's death. You're the cause of Alma's death. You're the cause of Alma's death. What's wrong with him? I would never kill my own mother! Not when I loved her more than any other person in the world.

My mother had been a cheery woman. Even though she was prone to heart attacks after she'd been rejected, she still found the energy to come see my school plays and take me to the park. She stayed up late at night, sewing costumes for the other pack children. Her happy and kind personality was a joy to all. She never hated my father for leaving her and she wasn't bitter. She was glad she had me out of it.

Me. I was one of the joys in her existence. We were each other's whole world. When my father had the audacity to kill her I was devastated. I was depressed for a year after her death and my wardrobe had looked exactly the same from when I was 14. Now, he accused me of killing the only person I felt connected to, the only person who loved me, the only person who truly cared.

Now she was gone. Gone forever and had been for the last 4 years. I still had dreams where I remembered that day when I found out she was dead. We both had the same shiny, ebony hair and the same soft hazel eyes. My nature back then was similar to hers and we were inseparable. You're the cause of Alma's death. You're the cause of Alma's death. You're the cause of Alma's death.


In this chappie, Jakie shows a little bit more of the past. To help you all understand her. Did you guys see the new description?


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