Chapter 21- First Date.

Start from the beginning

I walked out of the bathroom and Shawn stood up straight away and his eyes widen. “WOW” he said. I smiled and looked at the ground. He walked over to me and gave me a hug. “You look flawless” he said in my ear. “Thanks Shawn, You look great too” I said. 

He smiled at me and grabbed my hand and intertwined fingers “Ready to go?” He asked. “Yes”. We headed towards the door and as we were leaving we heard Niki yell “You kids have fun” and then Taylah said “Don’t do anything too naughty” I shock my head and laughed. 

Shawn and I got into one of the cars that Bart let us borrow. Shawn insisted on driving. We rocked it out to the songs that they played on the radio all the way to the date Shawn had planned. They were the same song on the radio Timber-Kesha & Pitbull and All Of Me- John Legend. I do love All of me though one of my favourite. I actually plan to have that song as my wedding song one day. 

“ALL OF ME LOVES ALL OF YOU” Shawn and I both sang at the top of our lungs. We finally arrived to this really fancy restaurant. I was surprised Shawn got reservations to a place like this. He quickly ran around to my side and opened the door for my and grabbed my hand. “Thank you Shawn” I said and kissed him on the cheek. 

We got into the restaurant and Shawn walked up to the lady at the desk. “Umm, reservations for Mendes” He said. “Yep, follow me” She said walking away with 2 menus. Shawn very kindly pulled the chair out for me and then went to sit in his. I just smiled back at him. We had a look at the menus and a boy about our age come over to order our meals. “Hi my name is Avery, I will be your waiter for tonight, are you guys ready to order?” He smiled at me. Once Avery took our orders he took away and menus and winked at me as he walked away. Shawn saw and I could just see the infuriated look on his face. His jaw clenched together and his hands soon went into a fist on the table. “Can’t that guy see that your on a fricking date” he said angrily under his breathe. I giggled a little it’s cute how he is getting so angry over someone flirting with me. I lent over the table and grabbed his hand. He looked up into my eyes “That’s right I’m on a date with you not him so you have nothing to worry about” I said. He smiled up at me and pecked me on the lips. 

We finished our meal and it was actually really fun we talked about lots of things. I found out that he is working on some songs that he is writing and how he started singing when he was in elementary school and I got to know him a lot more than I have ever before and he his so interesting. 

He told he wanted to take a walk before we go back to the hotel which I agreed to. We walked hand in hand along the beach. 

“Jasmine” Shawn said “Yes” I smiled looking up at him. “I know this is probably really soon, but I’ve liked you for a while now and I feel like the time is right. Plus now that I’ve got you I don’t want to lose you...” He said. “It’s ok Shawn what’s up?” I said. “Well I was wondering if maybe you wanted to be my girlfriend” He said as he stopped and turned toward me. My stomach turned inside out. I can’t believe he just asked me to be his girlfriend. Yay!!!! “Of course I will” I said as I jumped up and wrapped my arm around his neck. We pulled away and pulled me in for a long passionate kiss this time and it was magical. I could feel a butterfly riot take place in my stomach. And fireworks fly everywhere. We pulled away and he grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers together and made our way back to the hotel. 

We were both really happy and everyone could tell when we came back to the hotel because we both had big smiles on our faces. Everyone was siting in Niki, Taylah and I’s hotel room. Shawn and I both walked in still hand in hand and we decided since everyone was here that we would let everyone know. Niki and Taylah gave me big smiles. “Ok guys since you are all here I’ve got something I would like to tell you guy, Jasmine and I are together” Shawn said and smiled at me and pecked me on the lips. Taylah, Niki, Mahogany, Jacob, Jack J, Aaron, Taylor, and Carter came over and hugged us both and said congrats. But I looked over at Nash, Cameron, Jack G and Matthew who just sat there.  WHAT IS THEIR PROBLEM? MATT WHAT’S WRONG WITH HIM? I can’t deal with this anymore they are all pissed at me for no reason. Enough is enough. I got angry really angry but I tried not to show it. 

We all spent basically the rest of the night together enjoying each others company. everyone other than Cam and Nash who decided to leave right after Shawn and I announced the big new, whatever. Matthew and Jack G stayed but Matt didn’t even talk to me once and Jack G he was just pissed and was trying to make me jealous by flirting with Mahogany which wasn’t working. 

Everyone left after hanging out for ages and I said good night to Shawn. 

Niki, Taylah and I all talked for a while about my date with Shawn they ooed and aahhed. Then we decided we were all tired and it would probably be best if we all went to bed so we could cope with the plane trip back home. 

Meant to Be//Cameron Dallas, Jack Gilinsky, Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now