Chapter 12- By my side.

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Jasmine’s POV. 

I woke up with a complete blur about what happened yesterday. I looked on my nightstand and found a note. 

Hey Jaz, you fell asleep in the car on the way home from the mall, we will sort everything out tomorrow, don’t stress we will figure it out. Love you


As reading that it all came flooding back the car ride I told him about Shawn and Jack and the kisses. OH FUCK, SHAWN AND JACK AND THE KISSES. 

I started panicking and got up and started pacing trying to figure out what I was gonna do. 

They are both gonna hate me, I’m such I a terrible person, I started crying and was unable to hold back any tears because just the thought of losing any of them broke my heart. 

I was pacing around for about 10 minutes when I looked up and saw Niki walk out of the bathroom her mouth dropped and instantly came running over.

She sat my down on one of the beds and rubbed my shoulder “Jaz, what’s wrong, why are you crying?” She asked sounding really worried. 

I told her everything about Shawn and Jack and her mouth was wide open. Then she closed her mouth and crouched down on the floor. “Look Jaz, If they are your true friends they won’t hate you, they both love you so much and wouldn’t ever think of you that way. You need to sit them both down and explain to them the situation and that you are going to choose one and that the other person is to stay your best friend. Hopefully they will understand your decision and we will be supportive. Whatever happens you will always have Cameron and I because we both love you. Jaz you are also not a slut you were obviously taken by surprise when they both kissed you and you were just exploring your emotions. You need to pick the one that you have sparks with the most and it just felt right when you two were together.” she said looking up at me. 

I pulled her into a hug and held on tight. “Niki, thank you so much for being here for me because I need you, please stay with me today and help me figure out who’s the right one. Love you so much Niki” I said pulling away. 

“Love you too Jaz, and of course I will” She smiled. 

I smiled back.

“Umm Jaz there is something I need to tell you” Niki said looking really guilty. 

“What did you do?” I said knowing she was gonna say she broke something of mine. 

“Well last night I came home and ran into Matt and we ummm..... kinda, sorta kissed” she said drifting off and looking away from me. 


She laughed “What do you mean? Does that mean you are ok with me and Matt?” she said.

“Am I ok with it?, I was rooting for you guys since the beginning, and yeah Matt has liked you since we were little he’s been to chicken to do anything about” I smiled so happy for her. 

“Omg Jasmine why didn’t you tell me?” she said punching me in the arm, laughing. 

“Sorry I promised” I said shrugging my shoulders. 

We both just laughed and giggled for a while. 

A/N OMG, so sorry guys I actually thought it was a fight this chapter but it turns out that is in the next chapter I promise. So sorry Love you guys. 

Jaz xx

Meant to Be//Cameron Dallas, Jack Gilinsky, Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now