Chapter 21: In Danger

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Yoongi's POV

"Who are you?" She asked, looking all confused. It made my heart shatter. Please tell me that I'm dreaming. Yet I remembered the doctor's words. Her head was damaged and that may be the reason why she asked me that. But at least she's alive. She just lost her memories. We can make new ones. But I cannot help myself but to feel sadness even if I'm trying to think positive. Maybe it's just because I can't accept the fact that she forgot me, that her memories about me vanished. This is going to be, I guess, hard for the both of us but as what my father and Hobi said, this is just a test on our relationship.

I stared at her with a slight smile on my face. I may not be able to give her a kiss and hug right now but seeing her eyes wide open is enough to make me happy 'cause finally, I can hear her sweet voice. "Seulji..." I called her name, slowly walking my way towards her but with every step that I take, she covers her body with the blanket, moves backward and fear is written all over her face.

"I'm your husband..." I said when I reached the side of her bed.

"Seulji..." I called her name again then I felt warm liquid roll down my cheeks. I'm crying. I'm not like this, really, but I've changed because of her. When it comes to her, I'm being soft and she became my weakness.

"Oh my gosh! Don't cry! I-I was just kidding, Yoongi!" She then went near me and gave me a tight hug. I hugged her back as I calm myself. Fuck I missed her so much!

I felt her rub circles on my back as she kiss the top of my head. "I'm sorry, Yoongi," she apologized. "I missed you so damn much," I said. She lightly pushed me away to see my face then wiped my tear-stained cheeks. "I missed you too. Stop crying, I'm sorry."

I then glared at her. "You fucking made me worry! I thought you really forgot me!" I said, pissed.

"I said I was sorry!" She then laughed. She finds that funny? Well for me it wasn't. I was so afraid. "I thought it would be fun!"

"Well it wasn't. What if I do that to you, huh?"

"Aww, my baby gummy's mad at me. I said I was sorry," she said then pouted her sinful lips. I should be calling the doctor now but damn I can't leave her especially now that she's pouting her lips. I don't know if it's just because I missed her so much that I badly want to press my lips against hers.

Using my hand, I touched her cheek and leaned forward to kiss her but she pushed my face away with her right hand covering my lips and her left hand covering hers. I gave her a questioning look which she quickly got, making her remove her hands on our mouth and say, "I haven't brushed my teeth for so long. How long was I out?"

"A month," I said.

Her eyes grew wide as she covered her mouth with both of her hands. Cute. "Mmm...mmm...mmm." I think she's saying something but I couldn't make it out so I asked, "What?" making her remove her hands from her mouth. "I have not yet brushed my teeth for a month yet you want to kiss me?" I nodded and was about to kiss her again when she pushed me away and once again covered her mouth. Can't I at least just kiss her cheek?!

"Aish! Fine. I'll just call the doctor and tell him you're awake," I said before leaving her alone inside the room.

As I walk towards the nurse station, her miscarriage suddenly popped in my mind. I know this will make her sad the same as how I felt when Dr. Han told me that. I've wanted to have my child so badly that I sometimes even space out imagining how our life would be after she gives birth to our child but in just a blink of an eye, it all vanished. I was so excited but then, her accident happened. I swear to God whoever is the person begind all of this will go behind bars. I almost lost my wife and I lost my child because of that person.

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