Chapter 8: His New Girl

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Shin Seulji's POV

A week had passed and one more week before we go back home to complete the two-week stay here in Jeju for our so-called-honeymoon.

I didn't really expect that we're going to have fun in this 'honeymoon' that our parents gave us. I thought that we're just gonna argue and argue about things until we go back but I was wrong. Yoongi is not really a cold-hearted and savage person. Well, he is savage but he isn't that cold wither. His outside seems cold but deep inside, he has a warm heart. He is fun to be with.

After that day, the day Yoongi and I went banana boating and others, he never came back from being too cold to me. It feels weird but I'm somehow used to it now. I just thought that maybe he just don't really show himself to people he's not comfortable with and as time pass, me, being his 'wife', he got comfortable with my presence and so we got along.

I lied down my bed, feeling so tired. We just came back from doing water activities and my body feels really, really tired and because of that, I fell asleep.

I woke up with Yoongi shaking my body lightly, probably waking me up. Well, he did. "What is it?" I asked.

"Our parents are calling. Video call. They want to see you."

I groaned and pouted. "Can't you tell them that I was sleeping?"

"I told them that you were but they said they wanted to talk to the both of us."

I just nodded then fixed my hair in a bun to somehow look presentable to our parents. I stood up from my bed and sat beside Yoongi on his bed where his laptop was.

"Mom. Dad," I greeted.

"Sorry for waking you up, dear," my mother apologized.

"It's alright." I smiled.

"Well we just want to check the both of you. How is it there so far?" Yoongi's father asked.

"We're fine here, dad. We just did water activities an hour and a half ago," Yoongi answers.

"How long have I been asleep?" I whisper.

"40 minutes?" He answered. I nodded.

"Why are ya'll together?" I asked them.

"We're having lunch and decided to call you both," my father answered with a smile on his face.

"So uhm... are we... uh... expecting someone?" Yoongi's mom asked.

Yoongi and I look at each other then look at them again, raising our eyebrow.

"You know, someone new in the famㅡ"

"Mom!" Yoongi warned.

"Hehe. Just asking, baby."

I sighed. I badly want to rest. My body hurts so bad and they just woke me to ask for a baby. Argh!

"Mom, dad, we really have to go. Seulji looks really tired and I'm also tired. We need to rest. Bye." They nodded.

"Goodbye. Be safe there, alright?"

We nodded before Yoongi ended the video call.

I went back to my bed and continued my sleep.

I woke up around 4 'o clock in the afternoon and saw Yoongi busy with his laptop.

"What'cha doin'?" I asked, curious.

"Some things business related. I don't want to load my works so I'm doing some of them now. We have nothing to do anyway, unless..." he divertsed his gaze at me, "...if you want to go out and do something again."

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