Chapter 23: Danger Awaits

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Seulji's POV

I silently watched Yoongi play with Holly with a smile on my face. Having Holly as a pet really helped me to somehow forget the pain my miscarriage had given me and after just a week, I'm back to my old self.

There are times that I still feel sad about losing Yoongi and I's baby that was supposedly our first but I think about the bright side and think about my responsibilities and obligations of being his Mrs. Min.

With my chin in the palm of my hand and using my other hand, I took pictures of him having fun with Holly while wearing his Kumamon pajamas.

He's really gay for Kumamon and it's so cute because in spite of him being cold and serious which he always shows to people, he still has this very soft and childish personality that only the closest people to him knows and that will make you fall for him even more.

I shut my eyes, feeling the cool morning breeze which was very relaxing.

How I wish that we could be just like this, no worries in life especially when I need to go out. The person behind my accident has not been caught yet, making danger awaits me from outside my home. Yoongi even told my parents that I should stop working until the culprit is finally caught which they agreed on to keep me away from danger. I have to admit that I'm scared. What if something happens to me when Yoongi is not around?

A sigh escaped my lips. Why am I even thinking of this? I should be strong for me and Yoongi.

I yawned and tried to fall asleep. It's too early for me to get up and Yoongi to go to work but Holly woke us up by jumping to our bed, licking our feet and face and pulling our blanket off the bed. Yoongi tried going back to sleep but Holly just won't let him, leaving him no choice but to play with the cute little fella.

The cute noice Holly made by barking made me flutter my still sleepy eyes open to find him standing up with his two feet on my lap. It made me smile. He's so cute. I picked Holly up and caressed his head.

Yoongi took my glass of orange juice and drank it empty. He must be very tired from running around our backyard with Holly.

Holding Holly's tail to stop from wiggling, I giggled when he barked at me. Aigoo, why is he so cute? I let go of it and let him rest on my lap.

"What do you want for breakfast?" I asked Yoongi whose eyes were shut with his head tilted at the back.

"You," he answered, making me slap his thigh. He opened his eyes, sat down properly, and laughed as he asked me, "What?"

I glared at him. "Stop it, Min Yoongi. I'm serious."

"Tss. You're being too serious. Hmm, but toasts, eggs, bacons and of course the coffee you make is enough," he said with a smile.

I nodded then gave him Holly. I patted his head. "Mommy needs to prepare food for daddy. Behave, okay, little boy?" Holly barked as an answer, making me and Yoongi chuckle. "Sunny side up or scrambled egg? Which do you prefer?"

"Sunny side."

I began preparing our food as he took a bath and prepared himself for work. I took 4 eggs out of the fridge and so as the bacons then began to fry them. After so, I began toasting the bread and then made our cup of coffee. I also took the Strawberry jam and cream cheese out of the fridge just in case he wants to eat his toast with them also.

While placing all the food I made, he came down looking fresh, handsome and ready to go to work with his coat on his hand.

While placing all the food I made, he came down looking fresh, handsome and ready to go to work with his coat on his hand

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