Chapter 4: The House Rules

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Shin Seulji's POV


My eyes grew wide, seeing him beside me. My heart started to beat faster than usual seeing that he was so close to me again. It felt like my heart wants to come out from my chest.

I miss him so much already.

"Seulji," his deep voice called my name. Oh, how good it feels hearing my name come out from his mouth. The way he called me just made me feel butterflies in my stomach which just made my heart be in more chaos.

I want to hug him so badly and tell him that I still love him. I have this great urge inside me to touch his face and look him into the eyes as I tell him the untold truth but thay woukd only makw the situation bad enough as it already is. Instead of what I have in mind,I formed a gentle smile on my lips, remembering that he might feel awkward to be with his ex who married his friend.

"Are you alone?" We asked in unison.

"No," we said at the same time again.

"Oh." His expression became sad though he has a smile plastered on his face. I can see it in his eyes. He is hurt. I mean, who wouldn't be after finding out that your beloved ex married your friend after two weeks of breaking up. "You're with Yoongi Hyung?" He asked in which I nodded slowly, feeling awkward, to response. I want to escape the situation and run away because I'm still scared to see him, but shits just do really happen in life.

"Where is he?" He asked again.

I shrugged. "Actually, I don't really know. We separated ways after going here." He just nods. "Uhm, who are you with?"

He smiled. "I'm with the others. We were buying food that we'll bring for our vacation tomorrow."

I nodded. "That's good. Is Yoongi coming with you?"

He shook his head no. "He's a married man now and yesterday was just your wedding so we're giving you time to bond," he said, emphasizing the words 'married man' and 'your wedding' with a hindt of bitterness in his voice as he avoided my eyes.

"Tae, I'm sorry." I apologized which made him raise his right eyebrow.

"For what? For not telling me that you're marrying Yoongi hyung?"

I nodded and looked down my feet, ashamed of myself.

"Hey," I felt him placed his warm hand on my shoulder. "It's fine. I won't lie if I say that's I'm not hurt but what can I do now? You're already tied to him. I just hope you told me the truth that day. I don't know what's happening between hyung and you, or how long have you been betraying me but..." he cleared his throat.

I'm so screwed. I know he is trying his best to stop himself from crying. I want to kill myself for doing this to him.

"... he is still my good friend. I can't just hate on him but I can't help it, Seulji. I love you, but my two trysted people betrayed me. Iㅡ"

"Taehyung-ah, I'm sorry but it's not whaㅡ"

"No, stop. I don't more explanations. You ended us two weeks ago, right?" He smiled bitterly. "Anyway, you can have that bacon. There are still some left anyway."

I only looked at him dumbfoundedly as I grab the bacon and put it in the push cart that I was pushing along with me.

"It was nice seeing you, Tae."

"Yeah." He scratched the back of his head. Awkardness filled the atmosphere between us when suddenly... "Hey love." Yoongi appeared and added some stuff in the push cart.

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