Chapter 35: Ring Finger

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Shin Seulji's POV

As the usual thing I do everyday, I woke up to cook him the most important meal of the day. I've decided to make hot choco instead of coffee and pair them with toasts and cream cheese spread and of course, bacons.

Just as I was placing them on the table, I heard his footsteps getting closer and closer until he's already standing before me.

I gave him a morning kiss as I greeted him, "Good morning."

"Good morning," he greeted back and sat on the chair. I poured on his cup some of the hot chocolate that I made.

He took it and smelled it. He then blew the beverage to cool it down before he took a sip of the hot choco. "It's delicious," he complimented, earning a smile from me. I sat down on the chair beside him and joined him for breakfast.

For a month since I came back, she never bothered us but that did not make me feel relieved because the more your enemy becomes quiet, the more your life will be in danger.

I never asked Yoongi about Areum and he never opened a topic about her which is actually good because my guts can't handle her.

After breakfast, we started preparing ourselves for work and left the house together. He took me to the office since he doesn't want me to be in danger again after the things that had happen to me.

"Bye. See you later," I told him before kissing his cheek.

"Take care. We still need to make babies," he joked, wiggling his eyebrows.

"Aigoo, Yoongi. Just you wait. We'll have our child soon. Be patient," I told him before stepping out of the car, shaking my head.

As I entered the company building, every employee that I passed by greeted me while I just flashed them a smile and a light bow.

I entered my office and found a lot of paperworks to finish. I sighed and sat at my chair then started doing my work until lunch came.

I've decided to just eat my lunch at the mall since I have to buy something for Yoongi. I have to buy him a neck pillow since he wants to have one but he's too lazy to buy it.

Walking my way to my father's office, I bumped onto him so I asked, "Dad, can I borrow your car?"

"Sure, sweetie. The key's on my desk."

"Thanks," I told him before proceeding at his office. I took his car keys and went down the basement where it is parked and drove my way to the nearest mall.

I went for lunch first before walking around the mall, trying to search for a neck pillow until I saw the one that he will surely love. It's a Kumamon neck pillow with a hoodie. I immediately bought it from the shop.

As I walked my way to the parking lot, I suddenly had this very odd feeling that someone's following me from behind. I took a short stop, turning my head at my back to find no one. I proceeded on walking until I feel the person behind me again so I stopped and turned but found no one. I started feeling agitated. What if it's Areum?

I walked again, my pace faster than usual as I tried to escape from the person behind me. I took a turn to confuse the person but then I was pulled and pinned on the wall. I tried to shout but she immediately covered my mouth. "Calm down, Seulji," she said then removed her hand on my mouth.

"Who are you?" I asked.

She removed her shades and mask, letting me see her features. "A-Ara?"

She nodded then looked at our surroundings as if she's searching for someone who shouldn't see us. "We need to talk." She pulled me with her and brought me to a coffee shop in the mall where only a few people passes by and goes. She took a sit.

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