Chapter 31: Punishment

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Shin Seulji's POV

I gazed outside the window, looking at the busy city down from where I was as Hyerin and I waited for Taehyung to comeback from paying all of my hospital bills. To be honest, I feel ashamed for letting him pay for my bills but I have no choice since I'm left with nothing. I do not have my credit cards with me nor anything I use to pay for bills.

"How come you have clothes in Taehyung's house?" She asked out of the blue. I looked at her intently, trying to see any trace of jealousy but found none, making me slightly smile.

"When we were together, I used to stay in his house sometimes to rest but when we broke up, I wasn't able to take my clothes there. I was really ashamed of myself and I feel very bad for hurting him and marrying his hyung. Have he told you the story?" She nodded.

"I just have one advice for you, Hyerin. No matter how hard the challenges the both of you are going to face, fight together. Fight because you know it's worth it. Don't let anyone take him away from you." She smiled and nodded. "I guess Taehyung and I are really not destined that's why I didn't fight for him and ended up marrying his friend but guess what? I love my husband dearly now."

"But I wasn't aware that arranged marriage still exists in this generation though," she commented.

"Yeah. I thought of the same."

"Aye, aye let's go!" Hyper Taehyung appeared on the door with the nurse pushing the wheelchair I'll be riding behind him.

He then sat down the wheelchair and commanded the nurse to push it. "Yah! Push it! Go!" He said like a little kid getting excited for rides. Hyerin and I giggled with his childish act.

"But sir, this is for the patient," said the nurse, getting weirded by Taehyung's act. Tae juts his bottom lip out. "But I wanna ride~!"

He suddenly chuckled. "I'm just kidding. Here, have a seat." he helped me sit down.

I'm glad he's finally back though.

"Yah, Taehyung," I called his attention.


"You also have a lot of things to tell me."

"I know. I'm sorry for vanishing all of a sudden. I was hurt you know."

When we arrived at Taehyung's house, Hyerin and him stayed at the guest room where I will be sleeping while I'm here. Hyerin even cooked popcorn and made juice so that we have snacks while I tell them the whole story. From my accident where my baby died until the events from two weeks ago.

"Omo! Your baby died?!" Hyerin and Taehyung asked in unison and then stuffed their mouths with popcorn.

I nodded and pain striked my chest as I remembered my baby but I did not shed tears. I continued telling them everything until I finally reached the part where Areum did all of this to me.

"Are you serious that it's Areum? She's my ex, we know that, and she's a very sweet and kind girl," said Taehyung.

"Well, you thought of her wrong Taehyung. And do you really wanna know why she broke up with you?" I asked him. He nodded. "It's because she wants my husband. She did all of those to me just to make me disappear from this world and get my husband but fortunately, I'm still alive."

"You really have been through a lot..." was all the both of them could say.

"Now, I need your help. Help me recover without letting anyone know that I'm here. When I gain back my strength, I'll keep an eye on Yoongi and see if Areum is doing good on hitting with my husband," I said the last part sarcastically.

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