Chapter 16: What Ifs

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A/N: 'Cause Blonde and bare face Yoongi is life...

Shin Seulji's POV

I woke up earlier that usual since I need to finish something in my office and also, I need to prepare for my meeting later with the company's new client. I should impress them, really, and that's also the reason why my father assigned me to do it since he believes in my skills.

Slowly, I removed Yoongi's arm on my waist. I then stared at his sleeping face. He looked like an angel. I smiled widely and brushed my fingers through his naturally black hair then kissed his forehead before leaving the bed.

I did my morning routines before heading to the kitchen to cook him breakfast. I took the eggs and bacons out then fry them. I made myself coffee and toasted breads for my breakfast.

As I eat, I wrote down a note to Yoongi on the sticky notes I prepared in case of emergencies so that he can see it. I know he can take care of himself but still, I want to remind him

Eat your breafast, 'kay?
If you need anything just call/text me before or after 9:00am - 10:00am coz I have a meeting.

BTW, love you♡!


After writing, I pasted it on the door of the refrigerator then put my cup and plate on the sink before going up, taking a bath and preparing myself.

I exited the bathroom and saw Yoongi still sleeping peacefully on the bed. A small smile creeped its way on my lips and silently, I walked out of our room and left the house.

Okay, about the note, I don't really do that and just leave him messages (but it is true that I prepared it for emergencies.) I don't even say 'I love you' to him through that. It's infact my first time doing that but it's because I'm trying to somehow say sorry to him for my attitude last week.

Aigoo... I was so grouchy and bossy and I know it really annoyed him, so much. He tried to complain but I always glared at him.

Min Yoongi's POV

I woke up without Seulji by my side. I took my phone on the side table, opened it and saw a message from her saying that she's off to work. I cleaned myself and prepared for work before going down to the dining area and saw a covered plate there. I grabbed a glass first to drink water and I found a note from her. Tss. I'm old enough to take care of myself. She doesn't really have to remind me. It's sweet though. Maybe because she wants to like say sorry to me through this kind of stuff since she was very grouchy and bossy last week because of her period.

Our freezer was literally filled with different containers of different ice cream flavors and she also has a pack of mini chocolates then she gets mad when I get one.

She talked very fast when she's irritated (didn't know she could rap like me) and would slapped me mostly at my shoulders. She always glared at me. Aigoo... she was annoying but I understand.

I'm actually not going to work today. I want to have a little make over. I want to dye my hair.

After eating my brunch (it's late for breakfast and early for lunch now), I took my car keys, made sure that everything's fine and then headed out of the house.

Shin Seulji's POV

Working hours is finally done. I quickly arranged my things and got ready to go home. Lastly, I turned off the lights and locked the door before leaving.

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