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A/N: We actually made it here! T^T Thank you so much my oh-so-lovely readers for making it this far to this crappy book (cuz I suck big time to be called an author, I swear)



Seulji woke up a little earlier than usual, having a lot of time to admire his much of a masterpiece husband sleeping peacefully with his hand on her waist. She smiled while gently running her thumb on her husband's cheek, gaining all her self-control not to pinch it because of his extreme cuteness. She pulled her hand away before she totally loses her control and just stared at his pretty eyelashes.

Minutes had pass with her just admiring himㅡ admiring every single detail of his face, thinking of how much lucky she was to have Min Yoongi as her husband.

"You're staring," spoke Yoongi all of a sudden, making her flinch as her heart jumped, startled. He finally fluttered his eyes open slowly and he chuckled after being welcomed by the startled yet super cute expression of his wife. He finds it really adorable. He finds her whole existance adorable.

She blinked after realizing that her husband actually caught her staring but it's too late to deny so she just smiled. "I'm sorry. I couldn't help it."

"It's okay. I know I'm handsome," Yoongi smiled, "You're so lucky to have me."

The sides of Seulji's lips fell after hearing her husband compliment himself, making her pull away and rise from bed but Yoongi was fast enough to stop her. He held her wrist and pulled her back to bed, actually crashing on top of Yoongi, their faces inches apart from each other.

Both of them felt each other's heart pounding but none of them uttered a thing about it and maintained their eye contact.

Yoongi couldn't take it anymore that he invaded the distance of their faces and passionately moved his lips against hers. Seulji closed her eyes, letting herself drown from his kisses.

They couldn't deny the fact that the air-conditioned room actually started to feel hot. It is as if the room temperature is rising but it is just their body hormones responding to the sensation of each other's touch but unfortunately, it's not yet time for them to do a miracle and being interrupted by Seulji's phone call is a sign.

They pulled away. Seulji rolled out of Yoongi's top and sighed, taking her phone on the bedside table to see her father calling. "Yeoboseyo, Abeoji?"

[Ah, Seulji! Guess what?]


[Don't go to work today. Bye.] Before she could even ask her father why, the call was already ended, making her sigh again.

"Who was that?"

"My Dad. He said I don't need to go to work today."

"Yeah, for one week to be honest," Yoongi muttered.

"Say what?" Seulji asked after hearing Yoongi murmur something.

He shook his head. "I did not say anything. Oh, pack your things enough for a week. We're leaving after lunch today. Prepare something fresh and comfortable to wear. It's hot there."

She tilted her head, wondering why Yoongi asked her to pack things for one week. Before she could even ask, Yoongi was already out of sight, well, actually he's just inside the bathroom.

She stood up, tied her hair up and went out of the room to use the other bathroom on the room she used before when they still don't share the same room. After doing what she needed to do there, she went down to the kitchen and started preparing breakfast.

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