Chapter 37: Is This Really It?

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Min Yoongi's POV


"Seulji!" Ara and Taehyung screamed as my wife collapsed on the floor, blood dripping out of the hole that the bullet gave her. My knees felt wobbly as I stared at my wife. Shit! This is not happening!

I heard Areum's laugh echo around the room. My palm was twitching in anger. Sending daggers to her with my eyes, I pointed the gun to her and was about to shoot her when Ara stopped me. "Yoongi, no!" She slapped the gun out of my hands. "Please, I beg you. Don't kill her. She's my only family. Please," she begged, tears rolling down her face. Areum? Her only family? What?! "I wasn't able to introduce you to her. Yoongi, she's my half-sister," she explained.

Sirens could be heard as the police men started to fill the room with their guns pointing at Areum. A policeman handcuffed her but she went asking ridiculous questions all of a sudden. "Omo! What happened here?! Ara Unnie, what happened to you? Why am I handcuffed?! Let me go!"

"Seulji! Shit! Don't close your eyes!" Tae yelled. I diverted my gaze to my wife on the ground. Her head eas laying on Taehyung's lap. I sat down and moved her head to mine. Tears started breaming down my face. I tapped her cheek to wake her up. She's starting to look pale and she's sweating cold sweats. "Seulji, don't close your eyes. I'm gonna bring you to the hospital. Hold on." My lips were trembling and so were my fingers as I caressed her cold cheek.

She lifted her hand up and wiped away my tears as she shook her head. She stared into my eyes deeply as if she's telling me that everything is going to be fine but her eyes were sad. It was mixed emotions. Fear and sadness can be seen on her face. "Yoongi, I think I'm not gonna make it. I received to much pain from the past until now."

"Will you stop saying that!? You are going to live, okay?" My voice was shaky.

She weakly smiled at me. "I wish for that. Yoongi, I love you, always and forever and I want you to be happy when I'm gone."

"I love you more, but, baby please stay with me. Hold on, please. I need you." I kissed her forehead. "Please," I whispered, begging. She just kept her droopy eyes on mine. I could see how much she's trying to stop herself from sleeping. She's fighting.

That's right, baby. Fight for me, for us.

The medics arrived and placed her on a stretcher same as Ara who was already weak from all the wounds she got. I felt Taehyung massage my shoulders. "Hyung, everything's going to be fine," He told me then wrapped me around his arms. I felt like crying even more. That bullet was supposedly mine but she took it. "Taehyung, I'm a bad husband."

"Shh, hyung, you are not. It's just that Areum is crazy enough to do all of this."

We went after the medics, following them to the hospital. I contacted our parents and told them everything that happened.

My wife had been inside the operating room for two hours now. I clasped my hands together and closed my eyes and prayed.

Please save Seulji. I don't know how my life would be without her. I love her so much, please let my wife live.

"Hyung, I bought us some food," Tae sat beside me. I did not even know that he left to buy food. I shook my head as an answer. I could not eat knowing that my wife is not well. I just don't have the appetite.

Seconds, minutes, until another hour had pass, the door of the operating room finally opened and came out a doctor removing his bloody surgical gloves. He pulled down his mask and I recognized him. "Dr. Han," I uttered his name.

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