Special Chapter: TaeRin

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Taehyung × Hyerin = TaeRin


Taehyung's POV

The day Shin Seulji broke up with me saying that I deserve better, it broke my heart into million pieces. I don't want anyone. I don't need the better she's saying because for me, she's the best thing I've ever had in my life. I tried to make her stay with me but at the end of the day, we just ended our relationship. I told her I'll wait for her, that I'll be silently and patiently waiting for her to come back to me but she refused.

Days after, I received an invitation in my mail box and after seeing what was inside, it crashed me. It crashed my heart. I was so hurt that time. I feel so betrayed. I feel so hurt because my friend which I already consider as my brother... my hyung is marrying the love of my life. I was so hurt that day, my knees wobbled as I slowly fell to the ground at the same time the rain started to fall hard. It was dark and gloomy in my surroundings as if they feel my pain, my misery.

Even though it was painful, I went to their wedding to witness how happy they were while I feel hurt and betrayed. How long were they together that they're getting married? I asked myself. When the priest finally announced that the groom may kiss his bride, I felt pain building up in my chest. I can't breathe. My hyung is going to kiss those lips that were mine, that were my property, that only I can kiss. But that was before when we were still together.

I went to the bar that day to drink away my thoughts, my pain, thinking that I'll forget how painful it was to be betrayed by your friend and your girl and that's where I met Areum. She listened to my pain even if we're complete strangers. She's a very sweet, gentle and caring girl that it wasn't hard for me to like her. I asked her out and then finally asked her to be my girlfriend. I was so happy when she said yes.

We happened to have some little gathering in a bar and I was really expecting to see Seulji and Yoongi hyung there. They look happy together and everytime they tell us about the feeling of having a married life especially Seulji, I don't know why but it makes my heart hurt.

Areum broke up with me. It was painful but my break up with Seulji is still the most painful I had in my life. I love her so dearly and I want her back to me, I want her mine. I didn't expect Areum has DID thought and that the girl who broke up with me was actually not her but her alter, Aro.

So going back to the main topic. I've decided to give Seulji a call that night after drinking to the pain Areum or should I say Aro had brought me. At least Seulji can listen and comfort me and I'm glad she came after I asked her to. She took care of me, cleaned my wounds and it felt like she also healed my broken heart. I realized, I still have feelings for her. I asked her things and everytime I look at her, I just want to own her lips, own her until I die. I kissed her, her sweet lips against mine. She stopped me but I was unstoppable and kissed her the second time that night. I know she still loves me, I know she didn't betrayed me because their marraige was just arranged. It really kind of made my hopes up after Namjoon hyung told me about it when I was starting to hate Yoongi hyung.

"Tae, stop. Please," she pleads and looks down after pushing me way from her to stop me from kissing her delicate skin.

"Why?" I ask.

"I-I'm in love with Yoongi, Tae. I'm sorry." She stands up from my bed and left me dumbfounded.

After that, I was once again hurt and again, it's because of her. I was so out of myself. I don't go to work and locked myself inside my house, my room and it made my parents so worried. My father was disappointed at me and the only thing I could do to make it up to him was to go to America and arrange some things in our airlines.

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