Chapter 28: Without Her

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Min Yoongi's POV

"Mr. Min, Miss Seulji is not here with us." His statement made my knees turn to water as I sank on the drench sand, sadness overwhelming my heart. My mind wasn't able to process it. She's safe right? She's alive.

A loud cry slapped me the reality that she's missing. The cries came from her mother. Warm tears started to brim down my eyes as I stared at nowhere, dumbfounded. This all my fault! I promised to protect her but what happened? I lost her and how am I suppose to find her on the large body of water? What if the sea waves washes away her body and brings her to another place? What if sharks feed on her?

I did get to spend Christmas with her but only for minutes. How cruel?

A week had pass after that incident and we've been searching for her for a week as well but we got no signs of her. It did not make me lose hope. I'll find her very soon.

It is still a mystery, but it was confirmed that somebody sabotaged the party and really made plans of letting the boat sink. Everyone was safe with there families now, except for Seulji, and this made me think that it is that person behind this is the person thay wants to kill my wife.

I stared at the little dog who seems lonely as well. I guess he misses his 'Eomma' just as how much as I miss my beloved wife. Everyday, I dream of her, the days we spend together, the days where I see her bright smile that makes my day.

"I really miss you, Seulji. Please come back," I muttered.

I am positive that she's alive until I find her and I will only believe that she's dead if I see her corpse before my eyes but I wish she's really not because I'll surely lose my sanity if ever.

My eyes looking at our bed, I felt the emptiness inside my heart. Without her, it seems like my world have lost its color. I don't get to see her bright smile every morning. I don't get to taste the food that she cooks, which made me lose my appetite and end up not eating for the whole day at times.

I closed my eyes, my head tilting backwards, letting the snow flakes lay on my warm skin, I sighed once more. Without her, I would not be feeling the warmth I need. How am I suppose to survive this cold season without receiving the warmth that only she can give me?

Warm tears started escaping my eyes. I just really hope that she's fine from where she is.

I've decided to go back inside because it's starting to freeze and I do not want to get sick. She'll get mad at me if I don't take care of myself. I picked Holly up and went inside, closing the glass door. I sat on my bed, caressing Holly's body as I watched the snow fall.

Still feeling the emptiness inside my heart, I put Holly down and took my car keys.

"Appa will be back," I told the dog even if he's not gonna respond. I have no reason to stay here other than Holly. My wife is not here.

I put on my coat, went out of the house and went to a bar to drink. I ordered a bottle of hard liquior and started to drink my thoughts away.

After finishing a bottle and a half, I've decided to go back home. Feeling a little dizzy from the effect of the alcohol, I stood up and accidentally bumped to someone, making my butt hit the cold hard ground. I looked up to see who it was and surprisingly, it's Taehyung's ex, Areum. I haven't seen her after Tae introduced her to us but I still do remember how she looks like.

"Yoongi-ssi?" She asked and knelt down. "Are you okay? I'm sorry," she apologized and helped me stand up. "You don't seem okay to me," she commented. I just stared at her. "You're drunk. Mind if I take you home? Where's Seulji Unnie, by the way?" She asked again. By hearing my missing wife's name made me tear up unconciously. Damn, this is so embarrassing!

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