Chapter 10: I Need You

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Shin Seulji's POV

I've never felt this again after I broke up with Tae. My heart have never beated this fast. I can't breathe properly.

Why am I feeling this shit towards you, Min Yoongi?

Am I... attracted to you?

Days have passed with that thought consistently running inside my mind. I haven't been focusing on work, haven't been getting any good night sleep, and my mind is just on one particular person.


How and why? How can I be attracted to you when my type for man is Taehyung? Why did I get attracted?

Am I really attracted or just happy with the unusual treatment you are giving me?

Ugh! I don't know anymore!

Luckily, those days aren't busy.

Ugh! Why can't you get out of my mind?! You are driving me insane!

"Ma'am, are you okay?" I came back to reality when my secretary asked me that question. I glanced at my watch, confused on why she was here.

Oh, it's lunch time. That explains it.

"Ah, yeah, yeah. I'm fine," I answered. I am, but confused in a way about my feelings. I mean, the last time I checked, I was still in love with Taehyung.

"Do you want anything to eat for today so that I can order?" I shoo my head. She just nodded before leaving.

I sighed. I don't have any appetite but a coffee would do. I stood up and took my bag before leaving my office, heading to a coffee shop near by.

As I entered the shop, the strong aroma welcomed me as the scent lingered in my nose. Coffee relaxes me whenever I smell it. It makes me calm.

I ordered my drink and sat beside the window to see the street outside and thought about things that I shpul while I'm not occupied by work yet I still ended up thinking about him again. It has always been him in my thoughts that hinders me to think straight. Almost as if every detail in my life reminds me of him and

Am I attracted until now or this feeling is now on a different level. Perhaps like... or love? I'm not sure but I honestly think that I am really starting or I have started to grow fond of him.

Well yes, I guess I like him. He became special to me. Back then, his presence annoys me but now, whenever he's around, I feel happy, I feel safe and I feel comfortable.

I just want him beside me.

I sighed. What if he doesn't like me back? What if--

My thoughts were cut after seeing him entered the coffee shop and went straight to the counter.

I carefully watched him buy his food and drink and sit at a table at the other end... with a girl. My area was somewhat hidden but I still held myself cautious.

As I watched them, it made my heart ache whenever I saw him so damn happy with that girl. It was like the pain I felt when I saw Tae with Areum at Jeju, but I was a little less intense.

Yes, I have moved on from Tae but I think that happened because Yoongi is replacing him from my heart.

I wiped the tears that fell unconciously from my eyes. Why am I hurting? It's not like we're in a relationship! Oh yes, we are married but we don't love each other that's why we got married.

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