Chapter 3: Day 1 as Husband & Wife

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Shin Seulji's POV

We now arrive at the house bought by are parents as a wedding gift for us. We went outside his car and walked towards the main door.

I was just standing behind Yoongi, watching him open the door of the house. When it was finally open, Yoongi brought our luggages inside. Yeah, he's the one holding my luggage because how can I when I'm still wearing my wedding gown?

If you're wondering why I'm still wearing my gown? It's because I haven't changed my clothes the same as Yoongi because we went straight here after the reception.

He placed the luggages at the side of the main door of this huge house and cracks his knuckles. "I'll just rest for awhile then I'll bring our luggages upstairs later." I just nodded.

He walked towards the living room and lied at the sofa. He must be tired cuz I mean, same.

I removed my shoes because my feet hurts so bad right now. Though I wear heels at work, I'm still not used to it and prefer wearing flats because it's comfy.

I decided to have a mini tour in the hour by roaming around the first floor of the house but I first check the kitchen and open the cabinets and refrigerator.

Actually, it also our first time to see and be inside this house so it was definitely a suprise gift from our parents. It's nice and cozy to look at. The theme somehow reminds me of hotels that gives me the feel of relaxation which I really loved about this household.

"Yoongi?" I called.

"What?" He answered back with his eyes still closed and his arm is somehow covering his eyes as it rests on his face.

"We should buy food supplies tomorrow. There's nothing here." I said and closed the door of the refrigerator.

"K," he simply said.

I sighed. Ugh! This gown is just too heavy! I wanna change now or at least get this gown off of me.

I opened my luggage and grabbed the first thing I saw that I could wear which was a robe. I quickly entered the room here at the first floor, probably a guest room then I removed my gown and wore the robe.

Ah~ much better.

I exited the room, holding my gown in my hand and saw Yoongi already up. He was carrying our luggages upstairs that's why I just followed him.

We checked all the rooms here and finally made our own choice on what room are we going to sleep in. By the way, there are four rooms here upstairs and that includes the master's bedroom where Yoongi is right now.

That gummy person.

I was really the one to be using that room but he quickly lied on the bed and told me to go out and find another one. Tch.

I entered the room that I chose (had to choose again) and placed my luggage beside the door. I took out my sleeping wear in my luggage and wore it before lying on the bed.

Today was really tiring. Not only physically but mainly emotionally and mentally. It was so draning to fake my smile as if I was wearing a mask just to prove that thebwesding did not make me feel so hopeless at all.

As I closed my eyes, the memories of Taehyung and me suddenly played as if my eyelids were the black screen and my brain was the projector. It was the time where we became a couple and shared our first kiss until our last day as a one.

I opened my eyes and tears started rolling down my cheeks. It's been two weeks since our break up but it still hurts so much as if it just happened today.

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