Seven Minutes in Heaven (Teen!Lock)

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"We were playing Seven Minutes in Heaven which is where the bottle chooses to people and they're supposed be locked in a closet for seven minutes and- uh- you get the point," Molly took a small breath, avoiding Sherlock's gaze, "anyway we both got picked."

Sherlock nodded, "interesting."

The mousy girl raised an eyebrow, nervously fiddling with the ends of her hair.  "Interesting?  How so?"

"Is there a goal of the game?"  Sherlock asked.  Though it was dark Molly could see his icy eyes watching her with interest.

"Yes," Molly said biting her lip, "it's, well, it's uh..."

Sherlock raised an eyebrow, "yes?"

Molly looked at the ground, "to kiss I suppose.  I guess there's not really a definite winn-"

Sherlock was suddenly close, Molly almost couldn't see though the warmth of his breath on her neck told her he had stepped up.  "Is kissing... required?"

Molly let out a shaky breath, "no."

"Is touching?"  She let out a sharp breath as Sherlock's cold touch lightly ran on her cheek.

"No," the word came out as a hushed whisper, almost as if she didn't want Sherlock to know.  He let out a small laugh and Molly felt the hairs on the back of her neck rise, did he see right through her?  Suddenly, Sherlock's hand rested on the back of Molly's neck and she inhaled sharply.  She could feel him leaning in, his lips so close to hers...

"Wait.  Sherlock."  The raven-haired boy stopped, pulling back with an eyebrow raised.  Molly opened her mouth to speak but found herself at almost a loss for breath.  Had he really just tried to kiss her?  Molly felt her hands shaking.  And had she really just pushed him away?

"Yes?"  The teenage boy asked, as if not taken aback by the situations or his actions whatsoever.  Molly shook her head lightly, disbelief on her face.

"I don't- I mean I do- but... what?  Why?"  Sherlock hadn't taken his hand from her neck and she felt his thumb brush across her cheek once more, cold yet leaving a hot trail where skin met skin.

"Why, Molly?  Well why else would I have suggested we play this ridiculous game if not to catch you alone?" 

Molly's eyes widened, "you suggested this?  And w-why would you want to catch me alone?" 

Sherlock chuckled lightly, leaning in once more instead of answering.  His lips hovered over Molly's and she found herself excited to taste him.  Though something nagged at the mousy girl's mind.  She turned away and Sherlock leaned back once more, annoyance or confusion flashing across his face.

"Sherlock.  I'm sorry I'm just... confused.  Why now?  Why here?"

Sherlock raised an eyebrow, "you really cannot tell?  And after all my weeks of studying human attempts at flirtation, too."  Molly did a double take, had she been drinking something she was sure she would have began to choke.  Flirtation?  How was this possible?  She hadn't noticed any... oh.

"I give you my lunch everyday." Sherlock said.  Molly sputtered, feeling her heart pound rapidly against her ribcage.

"We trade.  You told me you like tuna more than turkey."

"I always choose you as my lab partner."

"There's no one else you know in that class."

"I walk you to your house everyday after school!"

"Sherlock.  We live two houses down and mine is the first stop..."

Sherlock huffed in frustration, Molly finding his evident helplessness quite adorable.  Finally he shrugged.

"I asked you out the other day, too."  This one took Molly by surprise.

"What?  You did?  When?" 

"I asked you if you wanted coffee!  I meant that we go get coffee together but you said-"

"With half and half, extra cream and sugar.  I didn't know that was what you meant..." Sherlock smiled weakly. 

"I suppose it could use improvement."  Molly felt a shy grin work it's way on her lips as well.

"Definitely," she whispered.  Sherlock leaned in a little closer.

"Though, could you forgive me for my apparent ineptitude?"

Molly chuckled lightly, desperately trying to ignore the throbbing of her heart.  "Trust me, Sherlock, you are the least inept person I know." 

"And perhaps later," the dark haired boy leaned in even closer, "would you like to get coffee with me?"

"Together?"  The word spilled from Molly's lips rather breathlessly.

Sherlock's smile widened, "together," he whispered back.  Molly grinned as she tilted her chin up, their noses brushed each other's skin now.

"It's a date."  Sherlock's lips softly met with hers.  Molly inhaled sharply as the shallow space between them finally closed, her eyes fluttering shut as Sherlock pressed his mouth on hers.  It was a slow, hesitant kiss, cautious almost.  Cautious but perfect.  Molly's heart nearly trilled, yet the only thing she could really register was the fact that Sherlock tasted like root beer and peppermint.  An odd mix, but an addictive one at that.

Sherlock pulled back slowly, his eyes flitting rapidly around her face.  Molly wasn't sure if the dark tone of his gaze was his blown pupils or just the dim lighting.  Molly's breath was uneven, heavy yet quick.  Of course, this didn't help when Sherlock leaned down once more.

And, of course, none of this was helped when neither Molly nor Sherlock heard the alarm go off and was greeted by dead silence when the closet door swung open...

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