Snowy Hearts

521 16 62

Hey remember when I was all "oh yay consistent updating schedule"?  Yeah I forgot about that whoops.

I mean at least I didn't miss Valentines Day.

Oh wait, it's 5 days past Valentines Day?

Tfw you forget how to title

Whatever, have fun and enjoy?  Also, sidenote:  cute fanart, doesn't really relate.  Just to clear any confusion.


"You know, when you said 'a surprise you'll remember for the rest of your life', this is not what I had in mind."



"Well, it's not exactly what I had in mind either."

"So what do you propose we do?"

"We could attack it analytically, strategically.  Work our way through as cautiously as possible and hopefully emerge alive."

"Or we could take the lift and down-load."

Molly Hooper sat on the snow-covered ground, her eyebrows furrowed as she peered up at Sherlock Holmes.  The detective gazed down at her from behind tinted goggles, wincing as a strong gust of wind stung the back of his neck.

"Aw c'mon," Molly said with a sniff, fiddling with the buckle on her snowboard, "don't be a wuss.  We can go down easily!"

Sherlock frowned, his gaze flicking from the double black diamond sign to the steep, nearly 90 degree angle drop that awaited them.

"That's easy for you to say, snowboarder," Sherlock sneered, adjusting the grip on his ski poles before continuing, "but I have skis, which are double the amount of likely injuries, and I picked this up this morning."

"It's not my fault you refused to try snowboarding or take lessons."

"It's not my fault you took us on the wrong lift!"

"Hey, it looked like we were on the other side of the mountain, alright.  I swear there's two of the same slopes on either side."

Sherlock sighed, flicking his head back as unruly curls escaped from under his helmet and tickled his skin in the bitter wind.

"It's Valentine's Day, Molly.  Dying wasn't exactly on my list of things to watch out for today."

Molly huffed and stood on her board, "listen, complaining isn't going to get us anywhere.  I don't want to be the moron that has to ride down on the ski lift and I've been doing this for years, I can help you down the mountain.  We'll be fine as long as neither of us goes and does something stupid and dangerous."

Sherlock opened his mouth, about to say something when a large gust of wind, colder and more powerful than the last, slammed into the detective and pathologist.  Sherlock closed his eyes, bracing himself on his skis as he felt Molly's gloved hand momentarily grab his arm for support.  Sherlock shook his head when the gust passed.

"We should get down from here soon, I'm getting nervous about our safe- Molly?"  When Sherlock opened his eyes, he was startled to discover a certain, small pathologist to be completely missing from her previous spot.  Sherlock looked around wildly, "Molly?" 

"Sherlock!"  A voice managed to reach his ears and the raven-haired detective felt knots in his stomach when he realized the source of the sound.  His gaze tilted downwards and a small gasp escaped his lips. 

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