An East Wind (Uni!Lock)

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Mm this one is kinda short, sorry. It's the Uni!Lock requested by XXXVampireLuvXXX.  I'm not sure if I like this one or not yet. It's kinda late so my judgement is impaired and my editor is in California with sucky ass wifi. So sorry if it's bad!




"Be honest. Was that you that almost set Professor Clyde's lab on fire?"

Sherlock sat up from Molly's bed, running a hand through his hair as a smirk made its way on his lips.

"How'd you know?"

Molly Hooper groaned as she set down the bowl of ramen that was on her lap, sitting on the edge of her bed, "I remembered complaining about about him to you, but I didn't think you'd go to such... extremes."

Sherlock's grin widened as he leaned closer to Molly, his eyes narrowing, "anything for my girlfriend." Molly rolled her eyes and looked away, stiffening when she felt Sherlock's breath warm her neck.

"Don't tell me it wasn't funny," he whispered into the crook of her neck and Molly quickly stood up, fighting down the blush that rose to her cheeks.

"Now don't go getting any ideas and setting the library ablaze, you pyromaniac," she muttered, leaning on the wall with her arms crossed. Sherlock stood from the bed, smirking as he placed his palm next to Molly's head and leaning on the wall.

"Only if you want me to," he leaned down to kiss her when suddenly a rapping on the window made Molly duck out of the way with a small yelp. Annoyance flashed across Sherlock's face as a smirk worked it's way on Molly's.

"No kisses until you go replace Professor Clyde's chemical store," Molly said as she crossed to the window, her smirk widening when a mortified look fell over Sherlock's face.

"You wouldn't," he protested. Molly shrugged, raising an eyebrow.

"Would I?" Sherlock tilted his head, thinking about this response. He opened his mouth to speak when suddenly a creaking came from the window. Molly turned around and began to go check out the sound when Sherlock grabbed her wrist, the color suddenly drained from his face.

"Molly," he whispered, eyes narrowed, "what's today?"

Confusion flashed across Molly's face, "uh, the 24th I think. Why?" Sherlock's gaze turned to the window as his eyes widened.

"It's visiting day." Sherlock stepped in front a confused Molly, sticking a hand in front of her to warn her to stay back. Molly was about to speak when a suddenly a hand rose from the outside, feeling around the window and grasping the ledge to open it.

"What the hell," Molly whispered, Sherlock let out a shaky breath.

"Just wait."

Molly let out a small gasp and Sherlock tensed as the figure hoisted themselves up, a black outline against the indigo sky.

"Sherlock," an Irish voice hissed through the darkness, "are you in here?"

"I'm here, Eurus," Sherlock responded and Molly's eyes flashed towards him. The figure, Eurus, stepped into the dorm, slamming the window shut with a ferocity that made both Molly and Sherlock flinch. As her face turned towards the moonlight Molly caught sight of sharp cheekbones and familiar shockingly blue eyes.

"Do you have it," Eurus asked and Molly took a step back as Sherlock moved to the other side of the dorm, his hands rummaging through the darkness.

"Sherlock," Molly called, her voice shaky, "have what? Who is this?"

Eurus's sharp eyes turned to Molly and she shivered, "well now who is this?"

Molly opened her mouth to speak but Sherlock cut her off, "nobody to concern yourself with," he grumbled, though Molly could hear the threat edging his tone. Interest lit up Eurus's eyes, or maybe it was the moonlight. Either way Molly wasn't too sure she liked it.

Sherlock stepped back in front of Molly, a grim look on his face as he held out a small package. Eurus watched him carefully, a smile playing on her lips. Chills ran down Molly's spine at the look.

"Well," Sherlock asked with a growl, "are you going to take it?"

Amusement shone in Eurus's eyes, "don't want your poor sister to stay? How sad."

Molly exhaled sharply, her gaze flicking to Sherlock whose knuckles had turned white from clutching the package.

"Sister?" Molly whispered, but Sherlock just stayed frozen, staring at Eurus. Molly watched in a fear she wasn't exactly sure why she felt as Eurus's icy stare turned from the package to her.

"Yes. Sister. Surprised?" Eurus hissed. She stepped forward and Sherlock tensed, offering the package once more. Eurus, however, walked right past it, stepping closer to Molly.

Both Sherlock and Molly froze as Eurus's eyes roamed around her.

"Pathology major. Nineteen. Likes cats. Doesn't like math. Has trouble reading people. Virgin, now who does that remind me of? Wants a family. Is in love with," Eurus paused and she turned to Sherlock, a dark shadow cast over her face, "my brother."

Sherlock glared at Eurus, though Molly could see he was uncomfortable. Or was it nervous? A smile stretched across Eurus's face as she snatched the package from Sherlock's hand, who visibly flinched.

"This could be interesting," Eurus hissed as she made her way back to the window, "very interesting indeed." She turned to Sherlock, who was still frozen, "I like this one, she looks," the smile on the Holmes sisters lips widened and Molly shivered, "fun."

"What do you have planned," Sherlock finally asked warily, and Molly felt him reach back and grasp her hand. She felt herself chew her bottom lip, was he genuinely scared? Should she be scared?

Eurus laughed, a sound that chilled Molly more than it should have. "I haven't a clue what you're talking about." Suddenly her gaze hardened and she looked right at Sherlock, "I'll be back in exactly two weeks." Eurus looked at Molly and the smile returned, "and we'll catch up then, right?"

Without another word Eurus climbed into the window ledge and swiftly sprang off, much to the horror of Molly who sprinted to it to see if she was okay. Molly let out a small gasp.

"Sh- she's gone," the pathology major turned to Sherlock, who was still staring at the window with narrowed eyes, "where did she go?"

Sherlock looked at Molly and suddenly reached out and grabbed her wrist. Molly let out a small yelp as the raven-haired boy pulled her in, pressing her to his chest and resting his chin on his head.

"I'll protect you, Molly," Sherlock whispered.

She nestled into his warmth, listening to his heart beat, "from Eurus?"

"From anything. Everything." They were both silent for a minute and Molly closed her eyes, a shaky sigh escaping from her lips.

"Alright," she whispered, "I believe you."

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