Standing up to Malfoy

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"Neville, wake up", Seamus was shouting on the top of his voice.

"Is something wrong? What happened? ",I asked.

"Umbridge has cancelled all clubs. This means it's against the rules, you all meeting to learn Defense against the Dark arts", he said.

"I'll ask Harry", I said and woke Dean up and both of us went to the common room.

"Did you see it? ", I asked Ginny.

"Yeah, let's go down", she said.

All of us went down to the Great Hall and asked Harry. He told us that we were still going to do it.

Dean, Seamus and I sat down to eat breakfast.

"Why does Ginny date Michael and call him a fool? ", Seamus asked.

"I have no idea", I said.

"Come, let's leave to History of Magic", Dean said.

"Wake me once the period gets over", Dean said.

"If I'm awake  I'll wake you", seamus said.

I started sleeping but was woken up by the sound of sudden murmuring.

"What happened?",i asked.

"It's nothing, Harry's owl is outside the window", Dean said.

"Oh okay", I said.

"Professor Binns, I'm not feeling well", Harry said.

"What? He seems perfectly alright? ", Dean said.

"He doesn't want to attend this stupid class maybe", Seamus said.

"Whatever", I said.

"Mate we have Potions now", Seamus said, waking me up as soon as the period got over.

"Oh yeah yeah", I said and all three of us walked towards the dungeons.

We reached the bottom of the stairs when I heard Malfoy's cold voice," St. Mungo's ...apparently they've a special ward for people who's brains have been addled by magic".

I experienced fury like I had never experienced before. My whole body was shaking with anger. I walked towards Malfoy knocking down Harry who was standing beside me.

"Neville no", Harry shouted, grabbing the back of my robes. I tried to push myself forward, breaking free of Harry's grasp and punch Malfoy in his face who was staring at me shockedly.

"Help me", I heard Harry say and I felt someone putting his arm around my neck and pulling me back.

I could not move forward but I kept struggling.

"Fighting, Longbottom, Potter, Weasley? Ten points from Gryffindor. Release Longbottom or it will be detention. Inside, all of you", Snape said.

"I had to stop you. Crabbe and Goyle would've torn you apart", Harry started. I grabbed my bag and went inside the classroom.

"As if he knew how it was when someone insults your parents", I thought, angrily.

"Neville, dude, control your anger", Dean said, sitting beside me.

"You heard what he said about St. Mungo's", I said.

"We know, okay? What you did was right. But what if someone had figured out? You don't want anyone to know right?", Seamus said.

"I don't care", I said.

"Oh my god", Dean said.

"What? ",Seamus and I asked.

"You'll notice we have a guest with us today", Snape said.

"It's Umbridge", Dean said.

"It's like who do you hate more? Snape or Umbridge? ", seamus said.

"Snape", I said.

All of us collected our potion and started brewing it.

I didn't care anymore about my potion as I was still angry with Malfoy.

After dinner, I sat in the common room watching the flames, Fred and George were displaying their products to the first years.

Ginny came and sat opposite us.

"Dean told me you lost your temper with Malfoy", she said.

"I did. Don't start on your lectures once again", I said.

"I wasn't. I think standing up for your parents was brave", she said.

"Oh okay. So, how are things with Michael? ", I asked.

"Fine", she said.

"Where are we meeting for the D.A?", I asked.

"I don't know. Hermione is still thinking", she said.

"What about the Chamber of secrets? ", I asked, instantly regretting my words seeing Ginny's expression.

"Well, last time Fawkes carried all of us from the chamber. You think Fawkes can carry us everytime? ", she asked.

"Sorry", I said.

"It's okay", she said.

"I'm going to bed then", I said.

"Goodnight, see you later", she said.

Dean and Seamus were too busy looking at Fred and George's products. I didn't want to disturb them, so I went to my dorm and tried to sleep.

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