Professor Moody's office

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"Come in", professor Moody said.

I was hit by a wave of nostalgia on entering his office. It hadn't changed much from Lupin's time. I remembered that I had promised Lupin that I would owl him.

"Would you some tea, Longbottom?", professor Moody asked. I nodded feebly.

"Here you go, son", he said.

I drank some tea. I could feel both of Moody's eyes on me.

"I'm sorry, son. I didn't know it would affect you so much", he said.

"It's okay, sir", I said.

"I understand very well why you became so frightened", Moody said.

"Why?", I asked.

" i knew your parents. Both of them were brilliant Aurors. After the Dark Lord disappeared, the Death Eaters used the Cruciatus curse on them. That's why you became so frightened when you saw the curse. Your grandmother didn't tell you?", he said.

"No", I said.

"Its okay, son. Ah! I have something for you", he said and handed me a book.

"Magical Water Plants of the Medditarranean", I read.

"I asked Professor Sprout about you. She told that you were excellent in Herbology. I bought this for you from Hogsmeade. You look so much like your father", he said.

"Thank you, sir", I said. I didn't even know I was blushing.

"Sir, I have some homework.May I leave?", I asked.

"Okay, son. Take care", he said. Moody looked as though he wanted to say something but was holding himself back most of the time.

I liked Moody, he wasn't as good as Lupin and he was a bit paranoid but he was fine.

I went to the Owlery and an owl started pecking me.

"Okay, okay I'll use you. Let me write my letter", I said stroking the owl's head.

"Dear professor Lupin,

Hope you're well. Harry is fine.He looks a bit troubled but he is happy for most of the time. The Triwizard tournament is going to be conducted in Hogwarts this year. Professor Moody has replaced you as the Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher. He is a bit paranoid and not as cool as you. Beauxbatons and Durmstrang are coming here in October. Ginny told me about Sirius Black. He is innocent, I don't know if you know it. There isn't much happening here. Will owl you on next Saturday. Take care, professor.

Lots of love,

Neville Longbottom."

"Deliver this to Remus Lupin. Thank you", i said.

The owl nodded and flew out.

I returned to my dorm and tried to sleep. But, everytime, I closed my eyes, I could the same woman screaming.

"Alice dear. Would you tell us what you did to the Dark Lord?".

"We didn't do anything. We don't know", the woman said. My mom. I knew it was my mom. I heard her melliflous voice. My mom's voice.

"Crucio!", The voice shouted.

I heard her shouting as though I had witnessed it. I had seen my mom loads of times but it was the first time I had heard her voice. I cried silently, tears flowing down my cheeks. My dad had fallen into a coma after what they did to him but my mom could still walk around. She couldn't hear me or recognize me. Yet she could still move around.

I heard her voice. Saying the same words over and over. Listening to it until it dawned.

Always knew it was youDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora