Gilderoy Lockhart

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We entered the DADA classroom and sat down on a bench. The class was almost full.

Gilderoy Lockhart, entered in his turquoise blue robes.

" Gilderoy Lockhart, order of Merlin, third class ,honorary member of the dark force defence League and 5 time winner of witch's weekly most charming smile award .But I don't talk about that I didn't get rid of the Bandon Banshee by smiling at her", he said and paused expecting laughter but a few of the girls smiled.

"Ya, he went on about his achievements and the Bandon Banshee killed itself ", Seamus muttered.

I broke into laughter but managed to hide it with a cough.

"I have a small test for you", Gilderoy Lockhart said.

"What? We gotta answer questions about you? ", Dean muttered.

Lockhart, I didn't even want to say professor Lockhart, distributed the question papers.

I read the question paper and stared at Dean.

"Wasn't it obvious? ", he said.

"What is Gilderoy Lockhart's favourite color? "

"Anything bright and flashy", I wanted to write but I wrote gold instead.

"What is Gilderoy Lockhart's secret ambition? "

"How am I supposed to know? ",I thought. I skipped it and read the next question.

But, on second thoughts, I wrote winning the witch's weekly most charming smile award again.

"When is Gilderoy Lockhart's birthday and what is his ideal gift? "

I skipped it .

I turned my paper in with most of it blank.

He was rambling about the test results and he told that Hermione had got all of them correct. She blushed furiously.

I sighed and thought, " All girls are the same. I thought at least Hermione would have some sense".

I was wondering if I had found anyone as annoying as he was when he opened the cage of the Cornish Pixies.

It was utter chaos. The pixies tore pages out of books, sprayed ink and hurt other students.

Two of them caught me by my ear and put me up on the chandelier.

Most of the class had ducked beneath their benches. I finally fell down from the chandelier and ducked beneath a desk. As soon as the bell rang, I made an escape through the door with Dean and Seamus close on my heels.

We reached the Gryffindor common room and I sat down.

"Haven't seen anyone more annoying than him", I say.

"Never gonna see anyone more annoying ", Dean adds.

"Dumbledore must be mad to hire him. Quirrell was far better, even if he had you-know-who in the back of his head", Seamus says.

"Totally agree", I say.

We bicker about him for hours and finally go down for dinner and fall asleep.

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