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I told Luna that I was nobody and Ginny got angry with me. I'd probably get lectured for an hour or even worse, get Bat Bogey hexed.

I covered Harry and Ginny with my plant's sap. In front of his crush, Cho Chang. But I couldn't care less as I didn't like her. All of the hufflepuffs were grieving Cedric and his parents were so distraught and she comes in coolly to flirt with Harry. Ginny put a spell to remove the sap.

Ron and Hermione joined us later after lunch and we talked for some time. Ron and Hermione didn't like Luna. I mean who would like her? She was weird.

Malfoy and his sidekicks appeared to taunt Harry but failed. All of us got down at the Hogsmeade station and I got into a carriage with Hannah, Susan and Ernie. We chatted for sometime and then got down. I noticed that Hagrid was missing and wondered what happened to him. He was away probably on some important task.

I ignored Dean and Seamus sitting on the opposite side of the table and sat beside Harry, Ron and Hermione. I glanced at the teacher's table to see an extremely ugly short lady in a pink cardigan at the table. There was an aura of evilness around her.

I wondered who she would be. She was the Defence against the Dark Arts professor.

Well, I shouldn't have expected anyone good. I thought Quirrell was okay but he ended up having You-know-who at the back of his head. I hated Lockhart from the time I met him. Lupin was awesome, he was the best we ever had. But Snape, my least favorite professor ended up telling everyone that he was a werewolf and drove him away. I still was in touch with him. Moody was paranoid and I didn't like him much but he ended up being one of the Death Eaters who tortured my parents.

All of us started eating and soon finished our meal and Dumbledore started his speech.

The ugly pink dressed lady, Umbridge interrupted Dumbledore in the middle of his speech. Her nerve. Dumbledore was a bit mad but he was still the greatest wizard ever. She interrupted her to give the most boring of the speeches I had ever had. It took every ounce of my self control not to fall asleep.

Soon, the first years were sorted and the song was different this year. All the houses must be united and bad things were going to happen. "Horrible things were happening since our first year, nothing different", I thought.

After the students were sorted, all of us went to our dorm. Seamus and Harry disagreed and I supported Harry and all of us went to sleep.

I saw the Weasley twins' poster on our noticeboard. I shook my head and walked out of our common room and went down to breakfast.

Well, if I said that I wasn't bothered by Dean and Seamus not talking with me, I would be the biggest liar in the world. I was yearning to talk and laugh with them and wanted to ignore them at the same time.

Our first period was History of Magic was horrible and added to the fact Dean and Seamus were not talking with me and I was sitting all alone, I spent the period glaring at Dean and Seamus and the next period was Potions.

My potion, if you could still call it a potion turned out horrible. I wasn't surprised as I was always horrible at Potions. Atleast, I could drop it next year, hopefully.

Dean and Seamus had fought over lunch and Dean and I were on talking terms again. We enjoyed a lot during Divination.

But, DADA was the most horrible. Umbridge was vile. She gave Harry detention for talking about Voldemort, I mean You-know-who. Dean, Hermione, Ron and Parvati stood up to her. I wondered if Dean said all that just because he wanted me to know he was with me in this. Umbridge didn't want any of us to use the spell, study the theory instead.

After Dean and I talked about how horrible she was, we gobbled down our dinner and started our homework rather reluctantly. It was our first day and we were writing homework. Maybe, Alicia and Katie were right, we had so much homework. Maybe the whole year would be stressful.

Seamus was glaring at us from the end of the common room and at midnight, Dean and I went to bed after deciding we would do it at the last moment like we usually did.

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