A close escape

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"You are ready to go, Neville", said Poppy.

"Thank you Poppy" , I said smiling.

"It's the second time you have been here. You'd better be careful ", she said.

"It's not like I do it on purpose . But yeah I will be careful ", I said.

I walked from the hospital wing. It was pretty late. I reached the entrance of the common room.

"Password? ",asked the Fat Lady.

"Caput fortunis ", I said.

"No. They changed it", she said.

"But I am a Gryffindor. You know that and will allow me inside? ",I probed.

"No password. No entering" , she said.

"Please", I asked.

"No", said the Fat Lady.

I heard a noise behind me. I turned to see the Bloody Baron glaring at me.

I held my breath, reaching for my wand discreetly.

But he passed me silently.

I decided to sit in front of our common room till someone comes inside or outside.

The Bloody Baron passed through the corridor again but this time, he stared at me for a few seconds before moving towards the other direction.

I waited and waited, holding the
bunch of gladioluses Hannah gave me.

A small note was attached to it.

A gladiolus symbolizes bravery. So I thought it would be apt for you. Get well soon. -Hannah.

I clutched it tightly in my hand.

I must have fallen asleep because I woke up when someone came out of the common room.

"What are you doing here, Neville? ", Hermione asked.

"The password? What is the password? ", I asked.

"Pig snout", said Ron.

"But the Fat Lady has gone for a nighttime visit. ", said Harry.

"Where are you all going? I'm coming with you. The Bloody Baron has already passed me twice.", I said.

"They are going to duel with Malfoy. At the trophy room", Hermione said.

"Why? ",I asked my brain.

"They are idiots, that's why", my brain replied.

We passed through the third floor and somehow I knew we were in the forbidden corridor. We went inside the trophy room.

"It's a trap. Don't you realize? " , whispered Hermione.

We heard some footsteps and hid amidst the suit of armours. "Find them", we heard Filch say to Mrs. Norris.

I hit my hand against a suit of armour. I grabbed Ron by his shirt and we ran in the darkness somewhere.

I heard Harry and Hermione running behind us. In front of us was a closed door and Filch was hot on our heels.

"Alohomora", shouted Hermione, from behind, pointing at the door. The door opened and all of us jumped inside.

"They must have gone the other way. Come let's go", I heard Filch say.

We let out a collective sigh of relief without noticing the giant three headed dog staring at us.

We shouted and ran towards our tower. I don't know how I reached the tower alive till now.

We reach the Fat Lady's portrait. "Where have you--" "Pig snout "  I say interrupting her.

We enter the common room and I head straight to the dorm while Harry, Ron and Hermione are arguing about something.

Though I was very tired, I hardly slept all night. Even in the small amount of time I slept I was woken up by nightmares of the dog eating me alive.

Between Snape and the dog, I would choose Snape every time.

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