Oliver Wood

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In the corner of the common room, someone was sitting hugging his knees, an occasional whimpering noise coming from it.

"Who do you reckon that is? ", Dean asked.

"I don't know ", Seamus said.

"Let's go and see", I said.

I stood before him and said, "Excuse me".

It was Oliver Wood. His face was distorted from crying and his eyes were red. A huge bottle of firewhiskey was beside him.

"Wood? ", I asked.

" Don't console me. We lost the match. Couldn't get the cup in my final year", he kept saying.

"Dean, throw the bottle away", Seamus said.

Dean took the bottle and threw it away.

"Wood, there's always a next match", Seamus said.

"But we lost today. Lost. Lost", Wood kept muttering.

"What should we do? ", I asked Dean and Seamus.

"Let's leave. Wood wants some space ", Dean said.

All of us left rather reluctantly. Wood had been crying for the past half an hour and didn't show any sign of stopping.

Harry was supposed to stay in the hospital wing for the rest of the weekend.

"He is fine but looks a bit troubled ", Poppy said.

Ginny was sitting in the common room and drawing something.

"What are you doing? ", I asked.

"A get well card for Harry", she said.

"And stop smirking at me ", she said.

"I'm going to visit Hagrid. Coming? ", I asked.

"In a minute", she said.

Both of us walked to Hagrid's hut and knocked on the door.

Hagrid opened the door after some time.

"Hagrid were you crying? ", Ginny asked.

I grabbed a paper from Hagrid's hand and started reading it.

"Oh no", I said.

"What?", Ginny asked.

"Buckbeak is going to be executed ", I said.

"It's not fair. They shouldn't do it", she said.

"I will see both of you later", he said and shut the door on our faces. We didn't get angry, we knew how special Buckbeak was to Hagrid.

We sat on the banks of the lake and we're staring at it.

"Can't we do anything about it? ", Ginny asked finally.

"I don't know. Malfoy's dad is very influential", I said.

"I hate Malfoy. He always keeps teasing me", Ginny said.

"Welcome to my life", I said.

"Do you know Hermione has a crush on my brother? ", she asked.

"Yeah. Did she tell you? ", I asked.

" I borrowed her book for some brief reading and there was a photo of all of us in Egypt. She tried to grab it but I saw it and she confessed. How did you know? ", she said.

"She wasn't very secretive about it. Do you think Ron likes her?", I said.

"Ron has an inferiority complex. He adores Hermione but thinks Hermione likes Harry. He won't tell her", she said.

"Okay. What do you think of Hermione? ", I ask.

"She is amazing. Brilliant and kind. A bit short tempered at times and can be a bit stupid sometimes. But overall she's great", she said.

I chuckled.

"Let's go back", she said.

I nodded and we headed back.

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