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We returned to the Great Hall after dinner and walked into the dorm.

"What the? ", Dean said.

"What happened?", Seamus said.

"I stepped on something. It's painful", he said.

Seamus bent down and picked up a miniature figure.

"It's Ron's Krum figurine. Someone broke it", he said.

"Ron must have broken it", I said.

"That doesn't make any sense. He loves Krum", Dean said.

"Jealousy",I said and all of us crashed into our beds.

Divination was rather enjoyable the next day as Seamus was receiving dirty looks from Lavender and Parvati and Dean and I were laughing silently for the whole of the period.

We walked over to Hagrid's hut for Care of Magical Creatures.

"Seamus darling, what should we do on our next Hogsmeade date? ", Dean asked loudly, as Lavender and Parvati were walking just behind us.

"Shut up, Dean", Seamus said, angrily.

I was biting my lower lip to stop laughing.

He walked to Hagrid's hut to see someone standing.

"Who are you? ", I asked.

"I'm the temporary Care of Magical Creatures professor", she said.

"What happened to Hagrid? ", I asked in a low voice to Dean and Seamus.

"Maybe, he is grieving his skrewts", Dean said, hopefully.

"Maybe, Madame Maxime and he are on a date", Seamus said.

"What? ", I said.

"Neville, haven't you noticed? He has a thing for her", he said.

All of us were walking towards the edge of the forest.

"Ooooooh!", all the girls said. A beautiful unicorn was standing.

"Never mind", I said.

Draco Malfoy told something and handed Harry a newspaper.

All of us bent over his shoulder to take a look at it.

I skimmed through it quickly.

I exchanged a glance with Dean and Seamus who looked sad as well.

"What do we do? ", I asked.

"Ask Ginny. She gives the best advice", Dean said. Seamus nodded.

All of us walked to the Great Hall.

"Hey, Neville", Ginny said.

I slipped beside her and told her everything I remembered from the newspaper.

"That woman", she said.

"What should we do? ", I asked.

"Hagrid is strong. You don't have to worry about him", she said.

"Okay", I said, worriedly.

"I think I know why Hannah likes you", she said, in a low voice.

"Why? ", I asked.

"You always think of other's problems as your own and try to solve them even when you have problems of your own", she said.

But before I could reply, she left the Great Hall.

"Hogsmeade this saturday", Dean announced happily.

"Wow, cool", I said.

"Our date still on, darling? ", he asked Seamus.

"Ew Dean, take your hand off me", Seamus said, pushing Dean to the ground.

"Why do you keep doing that? ", I asked Dean.

"I don't know. I like seeing Seamus getting irritated", he said.

Soon, it was Saturday and all of us left for Hogsmeade. Seamus and Dean were not talking with each other. I had tried talking them into forgiving each other but they didn't listen. So, I left them and entered Honeydukes. I saw Hannah sitting in a corner.

"You okay? ", I asked, putting a hand on her shoulder.

"Yeah", she said.

"Why don't you tell me anything? ", I asked.

"Susan, Ernie, Justin and Megan are always kissing or holding hands these days. I feel like I'm all alone. I don't want to disturb them ", she said.

"Hey, I'm there for you, okay? I feel like that when I'm with Dean and Seamus too. Couples are always like that. They'll get bored of it in a while", I said.

"Okay. Where are Dean and Seamus? ", she asked.

I told her what happened.

"Really? ", she asked.

"Really", I said.

She burst out laughing. I was staring at her and thinking about what Ginny said.

"What? ", she asked.

"No. Nothing ", I said.

She moved near me and wiped my mouth with the back of her sleeve. I could feel my body tensing up.

"There was some butterbeer around your mouth", she said.

"Oh okay", I said. An awkward silence hung around us.

"So? ", she asked finally.

"So? ", I said.

" Do you want to go to the Post Office? I have to owl my parents", she said.

"But you have an owl", I said.

"Justin used it to owl his parents ", she said.

"Oh okay. I have to owl my grandmother too", I said.

Both of us sent our owls and then went to Zonko's and bought a few things.

"Hannah, you know the Weasley twins, right? ", I said.

"Who doesn't? ", she said.

"They have designed a few products", I said and explained to her about the Canary Creams.

"That's cool", she said.

"Yeah, I just wanted to ask if you want some", I said.

"Okay, I'll come to your tower when I don't have work", she said.

"Yeah, okay", I said.

She stood on her toes and kissed me on my cheek.

"See you later", she said.

I was staring after her.

I entered the Great Hall and sat at the table.

"You look happy", Ginny said.

"Am I not supposed to look happy? ", I asked.

"I mean, did something happen? ", she asked.

"No", I said.

"Fine then", she said.

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