Pre-match party

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It was Friday, a day before the big match.

We were eating breakfast when Hannah called us, "Neville. There is a pre-match party in our common room. Wanna join us? ".

"But the match is between Gryffindor and Slytherin", Dean said.

"No. Slytherin is not playing as the Slytherin seeker is injured. Hufflepuff is playing ", Susan said.

"We played without a seeker once", Seamus said.

"The Slytherins do whatever they want", Ernie said.

"Pre-match party? ", I asked.

"Everything is scared of Black and is not in high spirits. So the sixth years thought a party would be the perfect distraction. So you all coming? ", Justin asked.

"Of course", Dean and Seamus shouted.

"Okay. See you in the evening ", they said and left.

In the evening, we went to the hufflepuff common room. The whole hufflepuff quidditch team was sitting in the middle and talking.

"That's the hufflepuff seeker, Cedric Diggory", Ernie said.

Susan and Hannah were blushing furiously.

"What happened? ", I asked.

"Both of them have a thing for him", Justin said.

He walked away from the team and hugged someone.

"Who is she? ", Dean asked.

"Cho Chang. Ravenclaw seeker", Ernie said.

"Wow", Seamus said.

"Yeah, we know", Justin said.

I shook my head.

Then, Cho started talking to someone else and Cedric walked towards us.

"Cedric, this is Neville, Dean and Seamus ", Ernie said.

"Oh hello Neville, Dean and Seamus ", he said shaking all of our hands.

"Enjoy the party. So I have to discuss things with our team to beat Harry Potter. Tell Harry that I wished him luck", he said.

"Okay", I said.

"Seems like a good guy", Dean said.

"He is", Susan said.

"Okay, some butterbeer? ", Ernie asked.

"Yes", all of us said and walked towards a small table, where glasses of butterbeer and firewhiskey were placed.

A guy suddenly flew into the air beside me.

"What happened? ", I asked.

"Oh, the butterbeer can't be touched by anyone below thirteen and the firewhiskey can't be touched by anyone below sixteen", Justin said.

"Oh! ", Dean and Seamus said in unison.

I noticed that none of the team members were drinking anything.

"This party gets over earlier than usual", Ernie shouted over the music.

We nodded. We were talking about Sirius Black for some time and then went back to our common room using Susan's invisibility cloak.

"Why are three so late? ", Sir Cadogan asked.

"Hail Godric Gryffindor and Sir Cadogan, two brave people", Dean said,which was our password.

He opened the hole reluctantly and all of us crashed in our bed.

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