Platform 9 and 3/4

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I walked for a long time. I took a wrong turn but realized it and changed my route quickly. I finally reached the place.

I couldn't understand why my grandma let me visit him. For the past seven or eight years, she hadn't let me and we hardly talked about him, but today she let me visit him.

I opened the gate and walked up to his grave.

"Edward Longbottom", I read and turned away quickly to stop my tears.

His grave was made of marble and the writing glittered in the sunlight. Edward Longbottom was my grandfather. He died when I was seven. Both of us were very close. My grandma became very sad after he died. She didn't let me visit his grave until now. I had always wanted to visit his grave but then I didn't want to disobey my grandmother. So, I looked at his grave for a long time trying my best not to cry and then walked home.

I didn't even know my grandfather died, I thought he had gone on a trip, somewhere until I found out that he wouldn't come back. I missed him so much.

My grandmother didn't talk much with me for the rest of the day.

For the next few months, I owled the hufflepuffs regularly. Seamus' mom didn't trust Harry, Dean sided with Seamus and all of us had a big fight. I wasn't talking with Dean and Seamus now. There wasn't much to do these days. I helped my grandma clean the house more of boredom. She could clean it with a single spell yet I insisted on cleaning the house.

Ginny talked with me every Saturday. She updated me on everything happening. Her brother Percy betraying them( I always thought he was nuts but leaving them was horrible. If I had a family like the Weasleys, I would never ever leave them), what the members of the Order of the Phoenix were doing, Sirius' stupid mother's portrait and how horrible she was, the stupid house elf Kreacher, Harry facing the dementors and his hearing, how Ron and Hermione were made prefects, about Tonks and how she suspected Tonks liked Remus and Bill and Fleur liked each other, Fred's and George's new products and their plan of opening a joke shop.

I told her that Hannah and Ernie had become prefects. I felt so proud of Hannah and Ernie, a bit jealous but proud anyway. I talked with Remus and Sirius a few times. Soon, it was time for me to leave to Hogwarts and I reached the platform half an hour earlier.

I left the trunk with my grandma and got into the train. I saw Dean and Seamus talking with each other.

"Hi, Neville", Dean said, before remembering that we weren't talking.

"You believe Harry? ", Seamus asked angrily.

"Of course, I'm not stupid enough to trust the Daily Prophet", I said and stormed away from the compartment.

Colin, Dennis, Euan and Selina were sitting together and asked me to join them but I was angry with Seamus and told them I was sitting somewhere else.

Susan, Justin and Megan were sitting with Michael Corner. I didn't trust myself to not kill Michael if I sat with them.

I told Hannah and Ernie I was glad for them and wished them luck even though I was burning with jealousy. If I was talented, I could have been a prefect too. I got down from the train, lifted my trunk and held Trevor with my other hand, bid goodbye to my grandmother and got into the train.

All of the compartments were full except one at the end in which a girl with long blonde hair was sitting reading a magazine upside down with radishes for earrings. She looked weird.

Harry and Ginny walked down the corridor.

"Hi Harry, hi Ginny. Everywhere's full, I can't find a seat", I said, hoping Ginny wouldn't find out that I was lying.

"What are you talking about? There's room in this one, there's only Loony Lovegood in here", she said.

"No, I mean, I don't want to disturb anyone", I said, hoping she would get the hint.

"Don't be silly, she's alright", Ginny said, laughing.

"She's not alright, Ginny", I thought.

"Hi, Luna. Is it okay if we take these seats? ", she asked. Loony or Luna nodded.

All three of us sat down. I wished I had sat with someone else.

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