Finding a partner

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"Have you asked her?", Dean asked for the fourteenth time in two weeks.

"Dean, please. I told you that I will ask her and you don't have to remind me about it every minute of your life", I said.

"Okay then", he said.

"Who are you going with? ", Dean asked Seamus.

"Lavender", Seamus said.

"Hope she doesn't annoy you with her giggling ", I said.

"Neville, just because you can't find anyone, doesn't mean. I'm sorry ", he said, cutting short his sentence abruptly.

"Yeah, fine", I said.

"There's a party this Saturday in our common room, you all coming? ", Susan asked.

"Yeah, of course", Dean said.

"Alright", she said.

"Finding a partner for the Yule Ball is the point of this party. Use the opportunity ", Ernie said in a low voice.

"Hey guys, how's it going? ", Ginny said.

"Neville hasn't asked anyone", Dean said.

"Who are you planning to ask, Neville", she said.

I looked down and both Dean and Seamus said,"Hermione".

"Okay. When are you planning to ask? ", she said.

"I don't know", I said.

"Come on, Neville. Ask her. It's not that bad", she said.

"Fine, we have Transfiguration , now", I said.

"Promise me you'll ask her soon", Ginny said.

"Okay", I said.

                          A week later


I brewed the antidote correctly and rushed out of the dungeons.

"Hermione, a minute", I said running after her.

"Yeah? ", she said.

"Er I was hmm just huh wanted to ask you if you will come with me to the ball", I said.

"I'm sorry. I'm going with someone else", she said.

"Oh okay. No problem", I said. Ginny ran towards me.

"What happened?", Ginny asked.

"She said that I was going with someone else", I said.

"Oh!", Ginny said but there was no surprise in her voice.

"Hey, Gin. Will you go to the ball with me? ", I asked.

"Okay. I was atleast your second choice", she said.

"It's not like that. It's like you're so brave and awesome. You feel like Dean and Seamus. I sometimes don't realize you're a girl. I just see you as my friend. I don't think about your gender. So, I didn't think of you. It's okay, if you don't want to come", I said .

"Of course, I want to come. And I get what you said. My mom and dad forget I'm a girl too at times", she said.

"Oh! ", I said.

"Dean asked someone", she said.

"Who? ", I asked.

"Sue Li, from Ravenclaw", she said.

"How? ", I asked.

"He asked her in the corridor ", she said.

"You'd better get ready", she said.

"For what? ", I asked.

"The party. Don't tell me you forgot", she said.

"I didn't forget it. I just didn't remember it, that's all. Meet you in our common room", I said.

"So, who are you going with? ", Dean asked.

"Ginny", I said.

"Cool", he said.

"Let's go then", Seamus said.

"Hi", I said.

All of us walked to the common room.

"Who are you going with? ", Ernie asked.

"Ginny, you? ", I asked.

"Susan", he said.

"Who's Justin going with? ", I asked.

"Megan, Hufflepuff, our year. Don't know if you know her", he said.

"She came to the World Cup with you right? ", I said.

"Right. What about Dean and Seamus?", he asked.

"Dean is going with Sue and Seamus is going with Lavender Brown", I said.

"Hannah's looking a bit upset these days. Do you know anything?", he asked.

"No", I said.

I walked over to Hannah and Susan who were talking with each other.

"Hi", I said.

"Found a partner? ", Susan asked.

"Yeah. Ginny", I said.

"That's good", Hannah said.

"Who are you going with? ", I asked.

"One minute", she said and walked to Terry Boot.

"Terry, I'll come with you", she said.

"Oh! Okay. That's amazing", he said.

"So, it's Terry", she said.

"Okay ", I said. 

"Enjoy the party", she said and stormed towards her dorm.

"What happened?", I asked Susan.

"All boys are idiots", she said and started walking towards the dorm.

"What happened?", Dean asked.

"I don't know", I said.

Seamus shrugged.

"Um then let's leave? ", Ginny said.

"Yeah", I said.

I don't know what's Hannah's problem. She was always there for me and I should be for her when she has a problem. I promised myself that I would try to talk to her in the morning and tried to sleep.

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