Gryffindor Vs Hufflepuff

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A week later, there was a quidditch match between Gryffindor and Hufflepuff.

Harry and the others had been training almost everyday for this match.

It had even lifted my spirits and most of the Gryffindors had stayed up late, unable to sleep.

We went to the stadium, anticipation and tension were high in the air.

Snape was standing on a broomstick and shouting at some hufflepuff.

"What is he doing there? ", I asked.

"He's refereeing today's match", said Ron.

"Then our chances of winning are high today", said Seamus.

Hermione told something to Ron and he told her to stop nagging .

Dean, Seamus, Ron, Hermione and I shared a row.

"It was nice of Dumbledore to come today", said Dean.

"Dumbledore?", I asked.

I scanned the crowd and saw Dumbledore sitting amidst the teachers.

My heart rose. No one would dare to touch Harry when Dumbledore was there.

The match started and within minutes, Harry announced that he had caught the snitch.

Malfoy came and told something about Ron having no money and me having no brains.

Ron punched Malfoy on the nose and I  kicked Crabbe and Goyle in their stomachs. Both of them writhed in pain. And then someone hit me on the back of my head and I lost consciousness.

I woke up later in the hospital wing, to Poppy's concern filled face.

"Neville, are you alright? ", she asked.

"Never felt better ", I said.

She glared at me and said," Even though it is the third time you are here. You have punched some bullies. I'm proud of you, Neville ".

My voice cracked and I said, "Thank you, Poppy".

"You're ready to go, Neville ", she said .

I walked back to the common room, happier than I had been in weeks.

I heard Harry, Ron and Hermione talking about something.

I heard some words, "Dragon and dangerous".

"They are probably talking about some subject ", I thought.

I changed my robes and climbed into bed, sleeping better than I had in weeks.

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