Harry, the fourth champion

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"Congratulations, Cedric", I said, shaking his hand.

"Thank you, Neville", he said.

I saw Cho coming towards him and all of us left to meet the Hufflepuffs.

"Hi", I said to Hannah who was in a deep conversation with Terry Boot and Lisa Turpin.

"Hey", all of them said.

"This is Colin's brother, Dennis ", I said.

"Dennis, this is Hannah, Ernie, Susan, Justin, Terry, Lisa, Anthony, Michael and Sue", I said.

"How can I remember all of their names? ", Dennis said and all of us burst out laughing.

"Butterbeer? ", Susan asked.

All of us except Dennis drank some butterbeer. Justin gave Dennis a chocolate frog.

"Did you hear, Neville?", Ernie asked.

"Hear what? ", I asked.

"Oliver Wood, the Gryffindor Quidditch captain had sent Dumbledore a howler for cancelling Quidditch ", he said.

"He what? ", Ginny and I said at the same time and started laughing.

We talked for a long time and skipped lunch. Finally, in the evening after so many games of truth or dare, UNO, playing cards, exploding snap and wizard chess, we returned to the Great Hall.

I was not talking with Dean and Seamus and they were not supporting Cedric. So, I sat with Ginny, Colin, Dennis and Euan.

All of us started eating though none of us had much of a appetite.

"Well, the Goblet is almost ready to make it's decision. I estimate that it requires one more minute. Now when the champion's names are called, I would ask them please to come to the top of the Hall, walk along the staff table and go through into the next chamber where they'll be receiving their first instructions ", Dumbledore said.

I showed a small thumbs-up to Cedric and glanced impatiently at my watch.

Suddenly, a paper flew out of the Goblet and Dumbledore read, "Viktor Krum from Durmstrang ".

All of us clapped and Krum got up from the Slytherin table and disappeared into the room.

"Fleur Delacour from Beauxbatons ", Dumbledore read and the girl who laughed during Dumbledore's speech stood up and went into the room.

"I don't like her", Ginny whispered in my ear.

"Me neither", I said.

"Cedric Diggory from Hogwarts", Dumbledore said.

All of the Hufflepuffs burst out clapping and cheering. Ginny, Euan, Colin, Dennis and I were the only Gryffindors clapping and we earned a lot of strange looks from the others but we kept on clapping.

I glanced at the hufflepuffs and smiled at them.

Dean and Seamus were glaring daggers at me. I pretended to talk to Ginny not meeting their eyes.

Dumbledore was talking about something when the Goblet suddenly shook again.

"Harry Potter from Hogwarts ", Dumbledore read.

There was an eerie silence in the room.

Harry was staring in shock at Dumbledore. All the hufflepuffs were glaring daggers at Harry.

Hermione pushed Harry forward and he disappeared into the room.

"What the? ", Ginny whispered in my ear.

"I know. He didn't put it inside. He looked so shocked when his name came out. Someone else did it, Gin. I trust him", I said.

"I know but who? ", she asked.

Most of the hufflepuffs had stormed out if the Hall. I ran behind them.

"What happened?", I asked.

"You, Gryffindors manage to spoil everything. We thought we would get some recognition by taking part in this. But then you all did something and took away the fame. Are you happy now? ", Ernie asked.

"Harry didn't do it on purpose. There must be some mistake", I said.

"Yeah, go on. Defend him. We have helped you so many times without asking for anything in return for so many years and you defend him. Perfect", Justin said.

"I'm on your side", I said.

"What? ", all of them said.

"I told that I'm on your side", I said.

"Oh! We're sorry ", Hannah said.

"We'll talk about this in the morning ", I said.

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