xxxvi. tied ends & dead flowers

Start from the beginning

Oliver wasn't the only one battling a foe, I decided to cool it on my crusade for a while, with Slade about to come after me, I didn't want him to suspect my abilities. Talia and her men where always watching me. Like right then, across the building, I could sense that someone was watching me.

I am flattered that she cared so much but I hated feeling like I was being babysat.

Sara left later on to go 'talk to her dad', I had a few moments of silence before Ray busted in with a metal box looking freaked out.

"Violet! Hel-"

"Ray? What the hell is going on?"

"My suit is glitching after that guy tried to steal it, that Captain Cold guy, I decided to put a self destruct mode on the machine, but he somehow got remote access to it. I moved the suit somewhere safe but I can't lose it, it took years to finish."

He was shaking in fear, he was still handsome though.

"Look, I know we don't talk as much as we used to, but I need your help."

I stood up from my desk, "put the box on the floor, I'll handle it."

I walked over as he slowly put the metal contraption on the floor. I opened it and tried to calculate my chances of getting this right. The model of the transmitter seemed to be fairly modern, which meant there should only be about five wires , the blue one, orange, purple, yellow, and red.

Red usually meant self implosion and the yellow would separate the transmission. But I couldn't be sure.

Ray was pacing around freaking out. "Palmer honey, you need to stop moving, I'm trying to think."

"Sorry, sorry, I just..."

"What is it?"

"I have another prototype linked to this transmitter in my company building basement-"


"I know, I didn't think this would happen, so you know this means-"

"The yellow differentiator may be wrong."

He nodded running his fingers through his hair.

"Okay, I know what to do, we have he cut the orange one as a stabilizer and the yellow one,  but listen, we have to do it exactly at the same time."

"Oh god, you know I can't do that, I have bad rhythm."

"I can't do it at the same time, I have to hold down the base so it doesn't shake and explode." I referred to the machine, it was five feet by two, inside was infused with codes and copper wire , cooler as well to kept from overheating.

"Okay." He tried to breath calmly, I could tell he could handle this. "Where are we going to get something sharp enough to cut the wires?"

I pulled out a dagger gracefully hidden in the hem on the jeans, and another one that I kept in my bra and tossed him one.


Our backs were facing the door and Ray crouched down next to me taking the orange wire in his hands, he shook.

"How long so we have?"

"Fifteen seconds, you have to make the first cut at the tip, second in the middle-"

"For optimum impact, but what if the wires are wrong?"

"Let's hope not."

He looked at me for assurance and I smiled at him, "you can do this Ray."

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