XXXI. Soft Tips & Onions

Start from the beginning

"Oh cut it Spartan, I knew who you were the minute I set eyes on you, John Diggle."

He sighed be put down his mask, "how did you know?"

"Your mask is shit."

He rolled his eyes and Oliver intervened, "why are up here? I told you-"

"I brought a gift-"

"I don't want your gifts." Oliver growled trying to intimidate V.

That's when Sara walked in pulling off her mask, "not even this one."

There was a dense pause.

"Sara?" Oliver chocked out, his throat tightened, he was wearing his Arrow suit but she knew that it was Ollie, the man she loved.

"It's me."

Oliver sucked in a breath and walked up to her, was she real? She smelled real, her smile was real, but with a dark twist to it.

"Sara!" He laughed and felt a grief and pain slide off of his shoulders. He pulled her in hugging her, for years he thought that she was dead, that he'd never see her again, but there she stood, in his arms, and it felt right.


"I missed you so much." He cried softly so that V couldn't hear, but she did, she suddenly felt out of place. And jealous. Was this how Oliver acted when she wasn't around?

Calm down, she was someone he cared about who he thought had been dead for six years.

With that thought, Violet came down from her jealous high.

"How did you find Sara?" He asked stunned at V, he thought for sure she was gone.

"We met on assignments, thought I would bring her in."

"Oh god Sara, why didn't you come back? You know what? I don't even care- you're back." She smiled and hugged him tightly, "you're Black Canary aren't you? That women whose been fighting off gangs and stuff."

"Yeah, I'm not the bartending chick you knew a few years ago."

"Yeah, we gotta talk about that."

"No more talking-" she pulled him in and kissed his plump lips and Violet at first didn't understand what was happening, why was Sara's face so close to Oliver's? But then she realized...Sara was kissing him.

Oliver was completely caught off guard, he stood stunned for a moment before he pulled back and she didn't sense the what she did was totally not okay with him. Violet stood on the sidelines, it was an odd sensation to feel your heart be ripped from your chest. Cause she believed he'd never admit or confess what just happened to Lily.

"Ugh, I've missed you." She smiled licking her lips, she didn't know about Lilith, Sara was nothing like her sister, if she would've known, she wouldn't have pulled the stunt she just did.

Oliver didn't want upset Sara, not when he just got her back.

"Thank you V." Sara smiled at V, Violet, was trying hard not sock her in the face, but realized that it wasn't her fault, so when Sara hugged her, Violet didn't get her and let Sara touch her.

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