XXX. Jags & Tulips

Start from the beginning

"Ray I gotta go, be careful okay?"

"Tell Oliver I said hi. Or don't.. that'd me awkward."

She laughed and closed the phone before scowling at Oliver who was playing with her hair, "what?"

"You're playing with me."

"I'm not playing with you, I'm courting you." He insisted taking her hand in his.

"Oliver, you're honestly going to get hurt." She tried to push passed him but he just pulled her back.

"What problems are you gonna cause me? Change my password on my accounts, have porcupines fornicate on my home screen?"

Little did he knew she carried the same risk he did. "Look, how about you and I got to this party I'm hosting tonight, it's for investors."

"Oliver, you've been single for a week-"

"I've been single for years, I haven't felt any real emotions like this since I left the island. And it wasn't even with Laurel."

"Not pleading your case very well Queen."

"Kiss me." He whispered ignoring her weak attempts to fight her attraction for him.

"No." She moaned quietly.

"Come to the party with me."

"I have go organize my book collection.

"Fine, guess we're playing like that, Violet, as your boss you are to come out with me tonight."

"Can you even do that?"

"Are you going to quit?"

"Of course not." She whined knowing that if she went out with Oliver she was going end up in a sticky situation.

"Then it is mandatory for you to come tonight." He demanded looking at her face expression, how could someone be so beautiful? She literally did nothing, she was wearing a black tank top and black shorts, her silver hair was down and curly, she wore these cute Star Wars slippers. How could she be this spectacular without doing anything but giving him her cute smile.

"What time? And is Thea coming?"

"No!" Thea yelled from the living room obviously eavesdropping.

"I'll be back to pick you up in after I leave, it starts at 10."

"What? You're leaving now?"

"Yes, you obvious can't handle being around me this much, I like you, I'd be best to kill you with my charm."

She rolled her eyes and pursed
her lips as he walked out of the apartment followed by Thea and Roy.

"I'm gonna get myself in trouble." She predicted while she looked though her closet for clothes to put on. While dressing she couldn't help but to look at her wounds, Ray never saw them, she made sure it was dark when they had sex, how could someone like Oliver truly want her?

She kept wondering if maybe she was his rebound, maybe he like her boobs? She wasn't tall like Laurel, she didn't have blonde hair or bright green eyes. Lily was a short women, her silver metallic like hair was relatively long but curly since she stopped straightening it. She had plump full lips, a nose that had been sun kissed, and her eyes were odd. She wasn't the traditional beauty, but she was a sight none the less.

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