"Um....Your dad and I have just been working and it's hard for me to see you. Are you staying here tonight?" I ask

"Yes, my dad is taking me home tomorrow since he's leaving. My mommy just dropped us off." She says

"Us? Who else is here with you?" I ask

"My baby brothers. You haven't met them yet, come meet them." She takes my hand and we walk into the living room where I see the twins, Joe and Galina.

"Jojo why did you go bothering Gia? I told you to leave her alone." Joe asks

"It's okay she wanted me to meet her brothers." I bend down to look at them, "Oh my gosh, they're so adorable." I look over at Galina, "Hello." I say with no emotion and a blank face.

This is the first time I've seen Galina since we met at WrestleMania when I had to put her in her place.


I wasn't in the right head space to meet Galina today. I had been here for 2 days doing all that I could trying to make this exciting time for Roman unforgettable. We went to the HOF ceremony and It was very uncomfortable for me being there as his new girlfriend. According to everyone, I was the other woman. I'm the one who broke up their marriage. So being in the same room with this woman wasn't exactly what I needed.

Galina asks, "So you're ok with this pregnancy?"

I answer, "I don't have a choice. How far along are you now?"

"Oh you have a choice, you can leave and I'm 18 weeks. How do you think he's going to feel when I tell him I'm having twins?" She smiles at me.

I look at her, "You're having twins?"

Still smiling at me, "Yes we are. Do you think you can handle being with him in all of this? I'm going to need him a lot and between work and me he might not have too much time left over for you."

I can't believe she just said their having twins. It felt like my heart stopped beating. But instead of getting mad, I changed the conversation. She wanted to play the bitch game I had to let her know I was better at playing. "Our daughters play well together." We both look over at them playing around with Roman. I stand next to her, "Maybe you should stop trying to be a bitch to me. I know you don't know me or anything about me but I'm a bigger bitch than you'll ever be. I can make your life hell, I can make that man forget all about you and your revenge babies. You actually need to be nice to me because I can shut all of this down. Your games didn't break us up. Let it go." I put my arm around her. "I think we're going to get along just fine." I walk over to Roman. "Baby before you go Galina said she needs to talk to you."

***End of Flashback***

"Hi, I didn't know you were here. I haven't seen you in a long time." Galina says

"Yeah, I've been around, just not here." I say

She looks over at Joe with an unsure look on her face then turns back. "Can I talk to you outside for a minute Gia?"

"G, please don't start." Roman says

"I'm not, it's cool." She says to Roman

Still showing no emotion, I walk outside in the hall with her, "What's up Galina, what do you want?" I ask already over the conversation.

"I just wanted to personally apologize to you for how I acted back then. You know Joe and I were going through a divorce back then and I was very bitter and extremely hurt that the marriage failed. Then you came along and he seemed like he didn't care about me anymore and was spending less and less time with me. I felt really threatened by you and after talking to a couple of people and stepping back from the situation, I see that you had nothing to do with our divorce and when he kept telling me that, I didn't believe him. So I wanted to apologize because I know you guys lost your baby and broke up since then. Now that we've both have moved on, he's dating and I'm dating, I felt it was right to apologize to you." She says

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