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Gia's POV


1 year ago, when I left New Orleans.

After I successfully dropped Jojo off at Joe's room without waking either of them, I stood there for a minute watching Joe sleep. I knew I wasn't going to see him again. My heart was hurting, it was hurting so bad I could barely breathe. I mustard up enough energy to finally close the door behind me. 

I was making my way back to my room, checking my phone, trying to take my mind off of my last visual of Joe and I bumped right into Randy. He had that devious smirk on his face, looking down at me. 

I smile, "Hey stranger."

"Where are you rushing off to?" He asked

"I have a flight to catch."

He had a confused look on his face, "Where are you going?" 


"You're going home?" He asks

"Yes, I'm done here, my contract is up."

"And what about Joe?"

"What about him? We've been broken up for a week now." I respond smiling

He smiles back, "Why didn't you tell me?"

"No reason, I didn't want to bother you. You've been kind of m.i.a. lately, I thought you were doing your own thing."

"No, I've just been busy with work and I was getting ready for my match against him. I guess it all worked out, now he has to work like crazy and I get more time with you. Why don't you stay for a couple more days." He says

"I have to go home but after all of this is over, why don't you come to Chicago?"

"I can go on vacation now that I've lost my title. That sounds like a plan." He hugs me, "I'll be in Chicago in 2 weeks."

"Okay, I'll text you though, I have to finish packing."

"Alright." He kisses me on the forehead, "2 weeks."

A few minutes later, I was in my room talking to my sister and packing and I got a text.

Looking at my phone, "Oh boy." I sigh

Bria says, "Is that Joe?"

"Yeah, if I respond I know I'll stay here. I'm just not strong enough right now. I just...." I throw my phone down on the bed, "I can't."

"What did he say?" She asks


"Well, that's that then. No need to respond, no need to say goodbye in a text, you already did that last night." She says

Sitting down on the bed, "I know but why do I feel like I'm making the wrong decision? Last night, HE was even having second thoughts about this. Bria I don't think this is right."

"It's right, you've already made your decision. Don't go back on it. Don't think of it as breaking up with Joe for Randy. You and Randy might not even get together and if you don't, it'll just be another break for you and Joe because you know you guys will get back together." She says

Standing up and zipping up my suitcase, "Yeah you're right. Randy is probably already back with Kim anyway. Let's just get out of here. Is Cassie ready?"

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