"So, what was he talking about when he say you were acting like you weren't engaged?"

She changes the subject, "Randy let's not talk about this right now." She says as she sits on my dick, "I thought you wanted to impregnate me?"

I smile, "I didn't picture me conceiving my child in a car but I guess I should take what I could get before you change your mind."

She laughs, "Me either but what the hell."

We have sex again and I come inside of her again hoping to conceive a baby.

A couple days later, we were in Tampa visiting John and Nikki. They invited us over because they wanted to have a couples night. Is not really my thing but Gia wanted to see Nikki, and John is one of my best friends so I accepted the invitation. We had dinner at their house and afterwards, John and I were in the cigar room, having a couple of drinks, while Nikki and Gia we're in the drawing room.

Randy's POV

John & Randy

"What been going on with you? I haven't talk to you in a while." I ask

"Yeah, I know I've been out filming a movie and hosting that TV show." John says

"How is that going?" I say

"Same ol same ol, you know how it is. What's been going on with you? I heard about the arrest. What was that about?" He asks

"Gia had a party in Chicago and I found out he was there. Her and I weren't really on speaking terms, so she didn't tell me but I know if she knew he was going to be there she would have called me and told me. He just showed up and I didn't appreciate that. So I went to pay him a visit and asked him why did he show up at her party." I say

"How do you know he just showed up? What if she invited him and just didn't tell you?" He asks in a way where I feel he's blaming Gia.

Getting angry, "She definitely would have told me if she invited him but she wouldn't invite him because she knows I don't want her around him."

He says, "You don't have to jump down my throat. I'm just stating the obvious. Who called the police?"

"I don't know, I guess someone who was there."

"You have to stop flying off the rails like that. Everyone knows you have a temper and you're a loose cannon. I don't think he would just show up but I also don't think she invited him. Maybe someone who was invited told him to come and that only leaves a few names." he says

I shake my head, "It probably was his family but that doesn't matter anymore, I took care of it. I don't think he's going to show up anywhere she's at it again."

"So, what else is new?"

"We're going to have a baby." I say with a smile on my face.

"She's pregnant?" John asks

"No but I'm trying to get her pregnant." I say

"I am not trying to be in your relationship like that but I didn't think you guys would be having sex right now seeing how you just cheated on her."

Getting angry again, "No, we fuck like gorillas!"

"Okay, I'm just saying." He says taking a sip of his drink.

"I understand but you don't have to say anything about that. I did want to talk to you about something though. Has Nikki ever said anything about her and Joe or has she said anything to Nikki about anything?" I ask

"No, they really haven't talked much lately. Why do you ask?"

"She's keeping something from me and I don't know what it is. I can tell something's going on with her but she won't talk to me. I don't know what it is. It could be something that has to do with Joe and it can be something that has to do with her family or something she's going through on her own. I don't know because she won't talk." I say sipping my drink.

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