Mentally Unstable

Start from the beginning

I stop right before I get there. "Are you sure she isn't here?" I all one more time

"Yep." He says

"Okay." I shrug it off and walk out the door. He starts to close it and I stick my foot in the way of the door so he couldn't close it. "One more thing."


"If she isn't here, then why is her phone here?" I pull her phone out of pocket.

"Where'd you get that?" He asks realizing he's caught.

"Off your coffee table." I say starting to feel rage again. This motherfucker lied right to my face.

He looks at the phone then back at me, "She doesn't want to see you." He says

"So she came here? Let me see her." I say

"Yeah, she came here. She wanted to get away from you and no you can't see her. She doesn't want to see you." He says

"What do you mean she doesn't want to see me? Go get her." I demanded

"Listen, I'm just obeying her wishes." he says

"What is it with you two? She's mine, I put a ring on her finger, not you." I yell

"So just because you did that, she's your property and you own her?" He asks

"Yeah, that's exactly what I'm saying."

He smirks at me, "That's funny because on more than three separate occasions she wasn't acting like she was your property or like she was even engaged." he says and it pisses me off.

"What the fuck are you saying Joe?" I ask

"Oh, nothing." he smiles

"Joe, you know it's only a matter of time before she comes back to me. You're boring, the was bored with you. You'll never be able to satisfy her, you'll never be able to keep her happy." I say trying to get under his skin.

"You cheated on her Randy. You don't deserve her, you don't know how to treat her. How can you ask her to marry you, if you weren't going to change your ways? She deserves better." He says

"And you're better? I didn't want her to marry you." I yell

"So you asked her to marry you, only because you didn't want me to ask her first? You're pathetic.... Randy, If you hurt her ag-"

I cut him off, "What are you going to do?" I ask stepping to him.

He smirks at me, "I don't have to do anything. You'll fuck yourself. You don't get it do you? If we're together or not, she'll always come back to me because we have a legit friendship. We were friends before we got together. We have a relationship based on friendship, not a relationship based on sex." He says

"Our relationship isn't based on sex. She just can't get enough of me." I smile, "She loves it when I pull her hair and I'm deep inside of her making her cum all over my dick." I say trying to piss him off.

"Oh please, I don't want to hear that. You tried to fuck her the second I was out of the picture. I wouldn't be surprised if you were trying to get with her the night you met her at your party but that was my fault, I shouldn't have brought her there and I clearly shouldn't have trusted you. But you know what Randy, Just give her a little space. She'll come around sooner or later. That's only if I don't change her mind before then." He smiles and tries to close the door on me but I push it open.

Yelling, "Don't close the door in my face." 

Roman says, "Yo you need to chill."

Just then I see Gia comes around the counter.

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