"And he always calls right back."

She just looks at me like she didn't think I would say anything back. "Just stay away from my husband, Gia."

"You really have no idea what's going on do you?" I say with a smile on my face.

"There's nothing going on." She says

"Okay, that's fine, you're in denial. I'm getting my things together, then I'm leaving. Move..."

I walk pass her, "What things?" She asks

"Kim.... Just leave it alone." I say in a warning tone.

"No, what do you have to say? Spill it! I'm listening." She says standing in front of me.

I really didn't want to say anything. I don't want to make the situation worse then it clearly already was, but I feel like she was just trying to get a rise out of me and she clearly wasn't going to let this go. I just couldn't hold my composure anymore.

"Kim...I've been staying with your husband for the last couple of nights. Did you know that?"

She doesn't say anything

"Of course you didn't."

Giving attitude, "Gia you don't know the type of relationship Randy and I have. So all of this, what you're telling me is bullshit. You cannot tell me anything about my husband."

"Oh okay, did you know he's been cheating on you for the last 5 months? I know you had to have known that since everytime he was home he was not with you, he was with me."

She laughs, "He's not going to leave me. So thank you for the information, but I'm here now. So all of that stops." She says

"Don't be so sure about that he's planning on leaving you." I get my bags and walk off the bus but Kim follows me.

"You think you're the first he's cheated with? There has been so many of you bitches and you won't be the last." She says

"You say that like it's a good thing. You sound stupid right now. You think you know everything huh? Well since I'm not the first he's cheated with, I'm the first he's fallen in love with. He wants to leave you for me."

She doesn't say anything

"He's so in love with me he doesn't even care about you. Whatever I tell him to do he WILL do and the reason you guys are still together is because I told him not to break up with you. You should be thanking me right now instead of trying to fight with me."

I turn around and see Randy looking at us. "Tell her Randy. You wanted me to do this, that's why you told me to get my things off the bus myself. Since you have me doing your dirty work, tell her." I say folding my arms.

By now everyone is standing around looking at the now public scene.

Kim was just standing there. "Is she telling the truth Randy?"

He looks at her for a minute, "Yeah."

Kim slaps him, "I can't believe you Randy. After all of the bullshit about you working and staying on the road. This is what you were doing? You love this woman?"

"Yes." Randy says

She doesn't say anything, she just gets onto his bus. I step closer to Randy, so only he could hear. "We're done, Randy."

"Gia-" he starts walking towards me

"Don't follow me."

I go back into the building into Joe's dressing room. "Are you ready to go?"

Holding his shoulder, "Yeah, here's your necklace." He hands it to me, "I shouldn't have taken it."

"We can talk about this later. Let's just go, I'm sorry all of this happened. I love you and I keep hurting you..."

"Gia, its okay. You know I'm going to always forgive you." He walks over and wraps his arms around me, "Besides my kids, you are the only thing that keeps me going. If I need to I'd keep fighting for you. I know it's been hard but we'll get through it. I'm never going to give up on you."

I felt bad that I put Joe through all of this for last couple of months. I just wanted to make everything right. I wanted us to get back on track without any of Randy's distractions. Yeah it was true, Randy had some kind of hold on me but I was at determined to somehow get rid of that and focus on Joe. The person who has been around for the last year plus, the person who helped me through a horrible time in my life and the person who seems to love me no matter what.

The following week on Monday, we were in Phoenix, AZ. I hadn't talked to Randy of course he's texted but I was still so pissed off at him for what he did to Joe, I couldn't talk to him. When it was time to go out, I stood at the curtain he was standing in front of me. Roman wasn't there yet.

"Can we talk really quick?"

I stand looking at him but I didn't say anything.

"I know you've read my texts. I'm sorry I upset you but I'm not sorry about what I did too him. He stole something important I gave you-"

I cut him off, "Well I got it back, no worries "

"Gia don't act like that, you're going to make me upset." He says getting frustrated.

"Randy, leave me alone."

He turns to face the curtain, "Fine but you did this. Just know that I'm sorry and I would never intentionally do anything to hurt you anymore... But I'm not done with him yet." He walks out.

Roman sees Randy leave then walks over, "What did he say?"

"Nothing interesting."

"I'm just trying to keep my distance and keep the peace... For now." He says

"Watch you back."

Randy eventually calls Roman to the ring. With a chair in hand. Roman slowly walks into the ring being extremely cautious. Randy talks to Roman about how they should settle their differences and end all the talk and actually have a match tomorrow at Smackdown. Roman agrees, Randy puts the chair down in the middle of the ring and acts as if he's going to walk out the ring but instead he turns around and Rko's Roman on the chair. I run down to the ring to Roman's side. They play Randy's music and he slides out of the ring and smiles at the bottom of the ramp then Raw goes off.

Helping him up, "Was that supposed to happen?"

"Yeah, I'm getting sick of getting my ass beat." He laughs for a minute.

Romans music starts playing and he signs a few autographs and we take a few pictures before we head to the dressing room.

What are y'alls thoughts on this chapter??
What do you think about her and Roman??
What to you tonight about her and Randy?

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