Silence And Shouting

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Part of Mina knew that she was thinking too much into this. Her parents fought at times, but they were still close, in spite of their arguments and disagreements. She'd seen plenty, and they made up every time. It was something that couples would inevitably do, not out of malice or hatred of the other, but because these things just had to happen. Disagreements and arguments happened.

That was all there was to it. They were unavoidable. No two people were the exact same, especially not in this world of Quirks. Conflicts were inevitable. They would happen. Frankly, Mina was actually pleasantly surprised that they had lasted as long as they had without ending up in a disagreement or fight.... Though that in itself made it hurt that bit more that they had finally had one, and it was over Bakugou's treatment of Izuku. Had Bakugou not treated him so poorly, they still wouldn't have had a fight.

Just another thing Mina blamed the Explosion Quirk user for, on top of his lack of ethics, violent tendencies, constant yelling, and all around just being a terrible person that, in a just world, would have been born Quirkless while Izuku received the Explosion Quirk.

But they didn't live in a just world. That was why Heroes even existed in the first place. The past was already in the past. They had fought, and now they had to live with it

What mattered was how they dealt with it now. It was natural for a couple to fight sometimes, but in doing so, they had to learn to close those wounds to get back to how things were. It was something that Mina had seen her parents do. They'd just not discuss the issue until they'd calmed down, and then would resume discussion in a calmer fashion. For the two of them, it worked pretty well, even if there were a few hiccups in the road. Sometimes they would get irritated with one another even when they moved on from that topic. It wasn't a perfect system, but it did work for them.

And that seemed healthy to their kids, Mina and Micha in particular. The horned girl's older brother applied the same logic with his girlfriend, and they had been together for quite a while. So it wasn't like Mina didn't see how well it worked.

Mina rested her head in her left hand, and looked over to the side, not really paying much attention to her surroundings. Since Izuku had taken it as being silent between the two, she couldn't even talk to the guy. While telling him that she didn't mean for him to just permanently shut up would probably resolve the issue, she felt like he was uncomfortable with even speaking to her right now, which she supposed she could understand. Forcing him into conversation wasn't going to fix the issue. In the short term, it could just make things worse. She let out a long sigh, chewing on her food absently. Her vision blurred as she lacked focus on anything in particular, fading more into memory than anything else.

All of the times that he and she had been on dates.

Their mutual confession towards one another.

Their first kiss.

His confession regarding his Quirkless origins.

Finding him held hostage by Shigaraki.

Deciding to form a Hero Team.

Just getting to the training camp.

In the short few months that they'd been dating, they'd done a lot together, and been through more than most couples would do throughout their entire lives. The lives of those who aspired to be Heroes were like that, she knew, but it didn't change the fact that they had been through the wringer together. Fought villains and trained together. That life of combat and not knowing what the next day was going to bring had always kept the two of them on their toes.

It had only made them grow closer.

Her anger towards Bakugou was totally justified – She knew this, and she certainly wasn't going to forgive him just because Izuku didn't feel it was worth a fight over. Were it down to her, she would have quite eagerly taken him on in that fight he had issued, even if she knew that she wasn't going to win. That was all there, and that wasn't going anywhere anytime soon.

Awkward Energy - MinaDekuTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon