Day 60: Book to Consider (4)

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Feel in the mood for a little bit of encouragement? Recently, I stumbled upon a book that showed what felt like to be hopeless. A man was diagnosed with cancer, fought a lengthy battle, and won despite doctor's warnings that he may not win. "Told through a series of journal entries and e-mails, A Time for Miracles follows Ron as he battled this terrible illness, from the moments when he felt abandoned by God to the days when his loved ones' tireless prayers lifted him up and helped him fight. In the end his story is one of hope that will resound with anyone who has faced cancer, or loves someone who has." 

As if you couldn't alread tell, my fourth book chocie is A Time for Miracles by Ron Armstrong . Because I have a Papa who battled cancer, a story of overcoming was really needed for me. If you know anyone that is suffering with this horrible fate, this book will give you the hope to continue to trust God! With humor and understanding, Ron was able to identify with what it means to cling to God. Here is an exerpt to understand what i'm talking about.

"In my mind, cancer was something other folks got. When you learn you have cancer, you start thinking about other folks you know who had or have the disease. When the doctor told me I had malignant cancer, I thought, Well, this is it. I'm done for. I started thinking about my bucket list, inspired by that movie of the same name - things I wanted to accomplish before I died. I went on an up-and-down, emotional roller-coaster ride. I wasn't afraid of dying; it was just irritating to think I wouldn't be able to do the things I had planned, like writing more books, painting more pictures, and preparing my son, David, to take over the business completely. A jillion things I had to do before I checked out went through my mind."

You can buy the book here:


Highly recommended even if you do not know anyone who has cancer. It proves to you that we are overcomers through Christ! Not only that, but God always has the final say in any and every situation. -Katelyn 

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