Day 2: GOD spelled backwards is DOG

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You know what I have come to notice? Dogs have a lot in common to that of God. No, I am not saying that they share all the same qualities. I am simply saying that they do share commonalities. For starters, they both love unconditionally. It can be hard to understand God's love for us because it is so large. To put it in better perspective, think about your own dog. It doesn't matter what you look like, what your wearing, or how terrible you have sinned. You dog will run up to you, lick you, cuddle with you, and let you know that he or she is there for you. As much as you push your dog away and get mad at him, guess what? He still comes back. Why? Because He loves you. This is a lot like God. Minus the peeing and pooping around the house, God loves like this. He doesn't care what you look like, what your wearing, or how terrible you have sinned. Admit you were wrong and ask for forgiveness, and He will continue to love you all the same. He will reach out to you, give you peace, provide hope, and let you know that He is there for you. As much as you push God away and get mad at Him, guess what? He still comes back. Why? Because He loves you. Did it sound like I repeated myself? Yeah, it probably did. That's because God and dogs have so much in common. In fact, He probably made them like this on purpose. He reflects some of His love through this man's best friend. For better understanding, heres a video all of you should watch. Also, God spelled backwards is Dog. Coincidence? I think not.


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