Day 46: I've Got Sunshine

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Everywhere you look, you see depression. That family who doesn't have food, that woman who lost her father to cancer, that man that just got laid off his job, or even that student that never speaks. Everywhere around you, people have shadows over their lives. They are hidden from the light of God. Many times, this depression stems from a bad experience. Maybe they tried asking God for help, and His help wasn't the kind of help they were looking for. In result they became angry, hopeless, and certain God was not there. They didn't have God in their life; they had darkness. That is when you come in. Yes, you! Believe it or not, God specially appointed you to spread His Word. The question is, will you accept the mission? Only the brave are capable of taking this honorable role! God made us to be lights in this world. We were made to show others the true joys of life through the love of our magnificent God! I have noticed how cleansing it is to be a smiling, happy face around others. You know what I have trained myself to do? I find a saddened, anxious, or nervous face and smile and encourage them. You know what it ends up doing? To my surprise, that positivity begins rubbing off on myself. Throughout today and every day, smile. A smile and kind word can make even the smallest impact on anyones day. Even better? If you do this every day, it will start to impact their life. With a little courage, you could go from being the sunshine in somebody's day to the everlasting impact in their life. You love a day full of beautiful weather where the sun is shining, the air is cool, and the flowers bloom. Imagine having that physical feeling of joy internally. Despite what the devil tells you, you have every reason to be overjoyed! God is so good. So smile, encourage, and be a sunshine every day! Don't let satan make you anything less than a radiant sunshine! 

Proverbs 15:30, "A cheerful look brings joy to the heart, and good news gives health to the bones." 


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