Day 1: One Direction

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No. Not the boy band. I'm sure some of you probably thought that at first glance. To those who sighed, I am sorry. This is much better advice than any love song by this boy band. This is advice on what direction to run in life. Here is a quick story regarding a time I had to choose my direction:

For the past year, I have contemplated if I should do track or not. Overall, it was my father's decision, but I still felt I could alter my future depending on what God wanted me to do. Track physically, and mentally damages me. I prayed, fasted, and cried out to God for Him to show me an answer. I didn't say, "God, please don't make me do track." Neither did I say, "God, make my dad want me to skip track." You see, this is me pleading for God to make a certain decision. I prayed, "God, help me to do whatever is in your will." This is the direction you should lead your prayers. Let's be honest, God's plan for your life far exceeds any of your own plans. The thing is, it can be hard to see that at first when it is on a different path than you invisioned. I am not foreign to this problem. I don't want track - at all. I hate it more than anything. Last year, it put me into depression. The thing is, if it is God's will. So be it. I will run to God at full speed and trust that what I am doing will help God fulfill His will for my life. So what direction should you choose? The one that runs to God. It may be very unpleasant, stressful, and full of depression. The good news is that if God is choosing to take you there, He fully expects you to trust that He will help get you through it. Push on my warriors. Go in that one direction.


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