Day 3: God loves it when I'm hungry!

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Yes. You read it right. God loves it when I'm hungry. You probably think I am talking about the physical hunger, right? I don't blame you. Just typing it actually made me hungrier than I was before writing this blog. Anyways, God does love it when I am hungry - spiritually. Right now, I am very spiritually hungry. In fact, I always have room for more food in my spirit. When things go good, I stray from God. Why? Because life is functioning without Him. I can go about my life in moments of less stress without the need to grab my Bible and cling to the words of God. When life pounds on me, the Bible becomes my shield and the Word becomes my sword. I can't leave the house and go into battle unless I have it. That is why you can often see me with scripture written on my arms. My soul is so hungry for God's Word. There are many great things about being spiritually hungry. It brings me so much closer to God... and I love that. I love clinging to Him and relying on Him. No, I do not enjoy the pain, but knowing God loves it because it increases my trust in Him makes me feel a little bit better. If God is happy, I should be ecstatic. Keep feeding that soul, Katelyn.

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